At least it doesn't look like red hamburger meat!

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a suspect took a gun from a bailiff, and shot a couple of people after a fight in the courthouse hallway.

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that's the great thing about free speech. the ability to know the crazies by their comments.

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"we hope he finds work more in keeping with his skill set, such as shoveling manure, cleaning toilets, or blogging for Breitbart.:"

I, for one, have a better idea:


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Delete his account

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Yeah, but then, you know how we are....

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I always go with c).

There used to be a thing we called telephone tough guys. They talked big on the phone and they were meek in person. Now with the internet they are anonymous so they talk massive shit.

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I've been on supposedly serious sites with borderline Nazi policing of language and they made reddit look like a group hug. This place has a few simple rules and I've only had one person get irate with me. Then again, the ban hammer is a very real thing here.

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They're owned by Tribune, which is their own brand of rightist asshattery, and they also have the worst movie critic on the planet (Shawn Edwards, often deceptively billed as being from "Fox TV" - nope, he works at this mid-market affiliate!)

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Here's more: J.D. Tippet's real name was "Jefferson Davis". They claim that his name was just J. D.-like parents would name a kid a couple of initials. Right.

Sitting on a motorcycle parked on the triple overpass that day watching the Grassy Knoll was a officer with an 8th grade education named J. W. (somethingorother). The initials stood for John Wilkes.

Good work, P.D.

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Some people can look at another person and only see what is different from them, and not what is the same. They are afraid of "different" and they strike out. I think people have to be taught very young not to do this.

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This place has Tumblr style mores--you can say most stupid/obscene things but if you step outside the accepted politics you get a lot of people demanding you defend your position. The very few things I disagree with the groupthink are the things I think twice before saying, or try to back up with solid facts/citations. I am not here to prove points, after all, but for the community. Just because I might disagree, does it mean I need to pick an argument over it? Most times not.

Some people just need banhammering tho.

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That's why I stay away from chat roulette

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Wait! It's like tumblr? Does that mean that some of the posts are just made up for internet points?

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We get points? O_O

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