Yes, it was about her book and what she said about Bernie.

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Apparently not: http://jezebel.com/complici...

"At the after-ceremonies, celebs like James Corden kiki’d with Spicer, taking selfies and cheesing. Alec Baldwin told the press that he was “held to do certain things... we might have been super critical of, in order to do his job,” and jokingly compared the Spicer’s career with his own “jobs... you shouldn’t admire or respect me for, either,” as if lying to the American people were the equivalent of The Boss Baby or Aloha. A source told CNN that Spicer “could barely eat at the Governor’s Ball, he was so popular.”

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Seth had that, 'Hillary you shouldn't blame Bernie for YOUR loss' crap just last week.

When a.) she wasn't saying Bernie was alone to blame b.) what she was saying was right, whereas she pulled on her big girl panties and campaigned her guts out for Obama a few days after the primary ended, Bernie was talking 'contested convention and not doing ANY campaigning for her until after the convention/was a frowning/showing how unhappy he was at the convention c.) didn't do jackshtye EVER during the campaign or even NOW, to rein in the nutjobs amongst his supporters (of which there are MANY).

So yeah, Seth was like everyone else in the media, covering for Bernie, not listening to what Hillary was actually saying, blaming her for shit she wasn't saying/doing.

Fuck him. And I say this as someone who normally really like Seth. It's endemic when even HE is doing it.

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Yes, Seth did.

Only Samantha Bee doesn't suck.

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Let's not forget John Oliver in this. Because like Seth, and Jon he too was part of the, 'oh Hillary is terrible, worse than your normal candidate (because of course all politicians are bad) but Trump is the worst so 'hold your nose" and vote for Hillary,' cool kids crowd.

Like Oliver's talking about Trump's "charity," he slammed Hillary in just this way using AP's really terrible, and not all factual slam job on the Clinton Foundation. Which was rightly decried by those not in the MSM wanting to horserace it up, as a bunch of crap. The Clinton Foundation was not only was top rated last year (A/A+) when AP's bullshit of a 'story' was taking place, it got another platinum rating from charity watchdog organizations this year. But Oliver used this BS story (that was eventually kinda corrected by AP) to slam Hillary and then segue way into how the Trump's charities were even worse.

When was a typical MSM story. There was nothing real with that bogus AP story, the very real corruption with Trump's "charities" was only covered by Farenthold, who did solid journalism, rightly got rewarded for it, BUT was ignored by all the rest of the MSM. THAT was a huge actual story, and nada.

Sure, Oliver touched on it after trashed Hillary to say basically, 'she's terrible (using fake evidence) but he's much worse, so don't vote for him. Not surprisingly that lead to things like voter apathy so people stayed home.

Or like the last time this bullshit happened where some good (if boring) politician was wrongly smeared with the, "both sides are the same" was Gore and Bush. In both instances Third Party voting was higher than normal, and the margin of victory for the Rethugs.

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Have you heard what she does in bathrooms? It's disgusting.

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We can avoid the naked walk of shame this time, right?

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I just learned on the teevee that women eat. What else do women do?

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Let us not forget John Oliver and his fine gift to Scranton, Pennsylvania.

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Yes, that'll be interesting. I was a diehard fan, too, until the Hugh Laurie and Viggo Mortensen moment. I suppose it's possible he was pressured--he needs CBS more than CBS needs him, and Les Moonves just loves the fuck out of this shit (he's the one who laughed to reporters, "Trump may be bad for the country, but he's great for ratings"). He absolutely would have had the power to overrule Stephen, and in that situation, Stephen would not have been able to strike back, either. His ratings haven't been as great as CBS wanted, and this Emmy hosting was a big deal for him, so he may simply have not had enough juice to oppose it. I'd certainly blame Les before I'd blame Colbert. Les is the guy who just mafia-bullied his (second) wife into taking a salary cut by bullying her AT HOME and saddling her with his brother as lawyer. He probably socializes with Sean and thinks it's great.

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My neighbor is currently pissed wit CBS because they're fighting with DirectTV, and she can't watch NCIS. My attitude is CBS fights with every cable provider to try to get a better deal out of them.

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no i agree. he's said some crap about her that struck me as pretty tone deaf.

i wasn't comparing them re: HRC. i was just noting that i rarely pay attention to colbert anymore as the show's...style...is not my favorite thing.

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Your story above was amusing, but Spicer took a job that required he lie constantly and support an abomination of democracy. And he did that, until it was too late to quit before it stuck to his soul. If a cashier followed their manager's policy of lying to my face about what I was buying, how much I was paying, and whether I was getting a real product or not, for MONTHS before they quit? Yes I would bitch them out. Turns out that lying on behalf of a liar is not ok.

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Sackcloth and ashes. Accept nothing less.

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I tried to post a "somebody screwed up this time" video from Seinfeld, but it wouldn't embed.

I'm not even sure I totally agree with the video I couldn't post. Sean Spicer's appearance was cringe-worthy and not really funny, but I'm not sure if it was more normalizing or more embarrassing for him. Did Colbert help him or humiliate him? I'm not sure! I want to know what Melissa McCarthy thinks.

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Encapsulated my feelings perfectly.

thanks robyn <3

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