ha ha, I do the same thing

but for some reason your wife keeps saying no...

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Dear Editrix, if it's any consolation I promise that if I ever find myself with my legs blown off and stewed to the gills on morphine I'll ask you to show me your boobs, even if you can't drag me anywhere without collapsing in a coughing fit from all the smokes...

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if I ever get my legs blown off in combat I want Pvt Meghan McCain to rescue me...

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No, no, this was bunion surgery- worse than childbirth, seriously.

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Any other source, including a 14 year old boy, is less boob-fixated than the Sun.

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You'd be amazed what goes thru your mind if you think it's "come to Jesus" time. I had a heart "episode" a while back and while the nice EMT was putting me in the ambulance and sticking tubes everywhere, my only thought was "She's cute. I hope my hair's not messed up."

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I would have no clue, as the pain was so intense.

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they really don't have a leg to stand on...

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The worst pain I have ever experienced (and I have birthed two babbies, also, too) was back in '98 when I had bunion surgery on both feet at once. I still remember weeping helplessly in the hospital that first night because they wouldn't give me any more morphine. So I would be prepared to give this guy a pass on this one. Since he didn't have any feet left. I really don't think that he could have been too <i>compos mentis<i></i></i>

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Right. From a less boob-fixated <a href="http:\/\/www.dailyecho.co.uk\/news\/10313279.Brave_Army_medic_Emily_Mentioned_in_Despatches\/" target="_blank">source</a>: <blockquote> But it was her unflappable patient that impressed her more than her own bravery.

After being refused more morphine amid fear of overdosing, he quipped that she should flash her chest to help relieve his pain.

She said: “He was in a brilliant mood. It was the worst situation to be making a joke.” </blockquote>

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When hasn't it been?

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Your move, 2L!

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It isn't often mentioned, but a common wound from IED's and land mines is the military man losing his "third leg." Also.

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<i>"...carry a man to safety in wartime..."</i>

In this case she didn't have carry his legs. OTOH she had to carry her own tits despite his offer to help.

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