I second that prescription, because I just googled "pet toad Trevor" from Dok's earlier post, and if I have to choose between ponies and school-age wizards, I'll take the ponies.

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Let's not forget, he quit the APA to do his "Street Therapy", because it's a crystal-clear transgression of their ethical policy. Paying him for that shit ought to be illegal.

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Not only are we dangerously insane, we're all out to get him.

Sometimes I wonder if Ablow isn't just pranking the morons at Faux who pay him to spout this horseshit.

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If they are getting together for "sessions", it's happening after work.

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And man he rocks those cut-offs.

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Shorter version: She <strike>wouldn't let me talk over her</strike>'s PMSing.

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Hey, just spitballin' here... maybe the army could be regulated by someone elected under the mechanism laid out in the Constitution, by a majority of the voters... nah, that would never work.

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I heard a woman on NPR this morning in a segment on painkillers- she needs them for injuries she suffered when she took her daughter shopping for valentines few years back, and some guy opened fire and killed her daughter and a few others, and left her with debilitating injuries. What the fuck? But that's just the price of freedumb, I guess.

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Long, pointy votes.

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Didn't some sainted Republican begin the cuts to mental health programs? I'm surprised Fox is not naming names.

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For a few years now, the gun nuts have been claiming that the second amendment means that the people have to be armed in order to regulate (in the sense of keep in line) the militia (army) so that the army can not take over. This reading would allow 'the people' any and all weapons currently used by the armed forces.

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There have to be snaps or something.

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Mama Wolf libel!

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But, I'm really, really good at it! J/K I am just as terrified of the DUI checkpoints/Govt. ATMs as NRA people are of Gun Grabbin' Barry.

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