Does he mean funny ha-ha or funny queer?

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Not to mention New Labour and the continuing existence of traditional English cuisine. Really, as soon as Bloomberg becomes mayor of England, he gonna have to reform the UK tax code.

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I'd like to give a shout-out to the Gayz for their fine work in 2013 driving the rightwing to gibbering distraction.

Hey gayz, thanks! Between youall getting married and the whole Benghazi hoopla, we just might get this Obamacare thing up and running.

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that means you and your horse can now get married at the Cowboy Church of Virginia

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Wait a minute. If it's in society's vested interest to provide children with both a father and mother, how exactly does bigamy hurt that idea? In fact, it seems that these guys are making a pro bigamy argument. The more parents, the more love and attention the child would be able to receive. They should be pushing for mandatory bigamy, if they're so damned concerned about the kids...

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A mouth-breathing Dr. Ablow Says marriages done been laid low. If the gheys marry gheys By the deuces and treys The fundies will be full of woe.

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I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with the idea, but I do think there are a lot of details involved. An obvious one is that you'd almost need to have single-payer health insurance first, because employers would likely object to adding unlimited numbers of spouses and dependents to employer-based plans. There are also less significant benefits that are extended to spouses by some employers. Another point that springs to mind is end-of-life decision-making. If the person nearing death has failed to be sufficiently precise in living will, etc, what happens if the spouses don't agree on what to do?

Can there be a partial divorce? How do child support (and visitation) get calculated in case of either partial or total divorce? That can be very contentious even in a two-person divorce.

I'm not saying that these issues couldn't be worked out, but one of the things state-sanctioned marriage gives you is a set of default rules for the economic and legal aspects. It seems to me that the complexity of the rules is going to be at least N^2.

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<i>Come and knock on our door... We've been waiting for you... Where the kisses are hers and hers and his, Polygamy is too.</i>

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See also Krauthammer.

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The Monsignora looks at me funny whenever I ask whether we can gay-marry somebody on the lesbian side. See, gays? Kill my marriage, willya?!

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What a Seamus. I blame President Romney.

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Jane Wyman's and Ronald Wilson Reagan's?

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"<i>...everyone will be a sister wife and will marry their pets and their Twilight Sparkle plushies ...</i>"

Got any dirty pictures of your fiancee? You want some?

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<a href="" target="_blank">Shahry</a>'s first couple thousand?

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I never pictured those two together, but it would explain why Newt always wanted to do it in a weightless environment.

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Ablow? *snicker*

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