Ii was being empathetic (don't tell people I do that)

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Irish. Supporting bar tenders and their families for 600 years.

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After a quick read, I was wondering what paté polish was…

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Chrome dome wax.

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Yes, MM. I want more Democratic voters like me, who pay attention and vote in every D primary and every general, every year. I also want the Independents/No Party Affiliation people to look at these R candidates in horror and vote a straight D ticket.

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I thought it had something to do with goose liver.

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Marshaling the troops to repeal Glass-Steagall was not something he expressed any regret for until he wanted to be president, either. Then there's Clinton's 'welfare reform', his boosterism for every war you can shake a stick at, his bill to allow police to confiscate assets that they even suspect had anything to do with drugs, etc. ad nauseum. In 1970 Biden would have been a right-wing Republican, today he's considered a mainstream Democrat. Tip O'Neil must be spinning in his grave to see what his party has become.

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Thank uuu

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Angie Craig in MN has been targeted by the GOP as vulnerable and she is a great progressive in a purple district. I have already sent her some moolah, along with targeted Secretery of State Steve Simon. The GOP is really going after Dem SoS.

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*eyeroll* I'm saying that the Republicans can hardly complain about Thomas' being on the court.

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Small government for me but not for thee m'lady parts!

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Lauren Underwood in Chicago too. https://underwood.house.gov/

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That's a strong argument. I generally don't send money to governor races because I don't have a lot to spare but the Dem national committee needs to get on the case with these races. Without Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan we would have a very different version of Trump's efforts to overthrow the election.

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