Wow, Blackface Santa Expert Megyn Kelly Has Some Strange Ideas About Paul Pelosi Attack!
We actually did see this coming.
I'd expressed concerns about the seemingly half-assed police response when a deranged man with a hammer attacked Paul Pelosi, and guess what? Noted Blackface cosmetologist and Santa historian Megyn Kelly agrees! Kelly's normally a full-on Blue Lives Matter baby, even when cops swap racist emails and shoot holes in sleeping Black women, but this week, on "The Megyn Kelly Show" podcast, she said the San Francisco Police Department looked foolish and "had egg on its face."
And ... then she started in on the absurd rightwing conspiracy theories. It was definitely worth every penny of that $69 million NBC paid to get rid of her.
Megyn Kelly Still Sucks. This Time About Trump, Coronavirus.
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Joining Kelly's absurdity was Sen. Tom Cotton, and these true Back the Blue geniuses weren't about to take the SFPD's story at face value.
Cotton demanded the San Francisco Police Department release body cam footage, Pelosi's 911 call, and security camera footage from inside the Pelosi home. Questioning the police response in this instance apparently won't lead to the morale problems that apparently make cops forget how to solve crimes.
Perhaps trying at least to sound somewhat human, Cotton said, "In the meantime, I wish Paul Pelosi all the best in recovering from this terrible crime, a crime that we see too much of all across America today because of soft on crime policies and failures to put mentally ill people into institutions where they can get the care they need.” Oh, man, did he fail the dismount there.
An attempted assassination on the Democratic speaker of the House has little connection to so-called "soft on crime" policies. Cotton blames liberals for not providing appropriate care to the mentally ill, but it's his hero Ronald Reagan who drastically reduced funding for California's mental institutions when he was governor. David Wayne DePape's ex-girlfriend claims that he's been mentally ill for some time but that's not an official diagnosis.
Cotton and Kelly kept insisting that DePape is a random "lunatic" with no direct connection to January 6. However, polls show that a significant number of Republican voters believe the same conspiracy crap that drove DePape to the Pelosi house. Election deniers and QAnon cultists aren't just quirky. They are a national threat.
Kelly said, "I feel like at a minimum, the SFPD has egg on its face because even under the most generous story to Paul Pelosi and to the San Francisco police, they were in the house when this guy attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer." I'm sure it's a comfort to Paul Pelosi's loved ones that Kelly will consider the "most generous" version of events that led to the 82-year-old's skull fracture and hospitalization.
She wasn't shy with her criticism of the cops: "I’m not sure how that happened. How do you have police officers on site and an 82-year-old gets attacked with a hammer in front of you when you have a gun as a police officer? It’s one of the many questions here. As you point out, there are security cameras all over that house. You can see them from the outside where they turned on. If not, why not? She’s the speaker of the House.”
Mental health expert Megyn Kelly seems shocked that the man she labeled a "lunatic" didn't seem to care about security cameras when breaking into Speaker Pelosi's personal residence so he could torture her.
"Far less known public figures than Nancy Pelosi have taken extra security measures in and around San Francisco, given how high the crime rate is there. It would be insane for them not to have their cameras on."
Pelosi lives in the wealthy Pacific Heights neighborhood. The violent crime rate is lower than San Francisco as a whole, as well as California and the entire nation. There was no reason for them to live in a bunker, but if there were, it wasn't because of random Dirty Harry street crime. Pelosi has often been the target of extreme political protest.
Just days before the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, protesters defaced Pelosi’s mansion with spray paint and left a pig’s head out front, apparently angry about the size of a coronavirus stimulus package. Later that year, activists stuck an eviction notice at her door calling for an extension of a federal eviction moratorium.
This was all downplayed, of course, when Republicans acted as if the protests outside Supreme Court justices homes were some unprecedented event requiring immediate legislative intervention. (Which they got!)
Paul Pelosi's attacker openly admits that his violence was politically motivated. His social media is chock full of conspiracy nuts about QAnon and the 2020 election. He targeted Nancy Pelosi, whom the Right demonizes well past legitimate political disagreement.
This isn't some locked-door mystery. We know who and what the culprit is. However, Kelly wants to scour that security footage for any trace of a Black Santa.
“Let’s see it,” she said. “Let’s see it all. I don’t know what went on. I know enough to smell a rat. There’s something going on here that they’re not telling us. I just don’t know what it is.”
Yeah, something smells, all right.
[ Mediaite ]
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