Hey now, you should believe Russia when they say something about electoral fraud. They’re experts. They’ve been perfecting the art of governance by fraud for centuries

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getting breathed on by Bill Barr in a dark alley.

Just reading those words made me feel dirty and gross.

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It's almost like the republicans are traitors.

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Taking all the Republican ass-hattery that's been going on (Trump, Jordan, Nunez, Johnson, McConnell, etc al) I think it's a mistake to call them the Party of Trump rather than the Party of Putin. They kind of seem to have like-minded goals. You know, like absolute power and shit. GOP is now the Goals Of Putin

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He's doing what he always does. He’s telegraphing the crime before he commits it. He’s not going to leave. Please Dog tell me the Dems are on this and have a fucking plan.

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Really one of the smartest things the Framers did was to put states in charge of elections, instead of the federal government.

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Why do we, as a matter of national security, allow any Russian propaganda or influence on our internets?

Not sure how we would stop it, but hell, NSA must have some good tools for that.

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And they're still at it


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