Why did constitutional democracy get the works?

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My head of my high school's drama department grew up back stage there (his dad was in the company for decades and you'll see the family name all over the town). I got to run wild through the prop and costume warehouse once in high school...it was amazing

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I'm about an hour away from Stratford. Love that town

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There's a Turkey Testicle Festival in Indiana (I think).Got the T-shirt.

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And even this behavior draws nary a complaint from Republicans.....cuz anything is okay so long as we pass a tax plan that f**ks over the poor.

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It takes me back.

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We need Incirlik so we can continue our oh so succesful meddling in the Middle East. Damn Arabs: how dare they sit on top of our oil!

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Gorsuch made up for it today.

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Yeah, the State Department will launch a "strong protest" with the Turks and nothing will happen--the protestors are lucky they weren't charged with disorderly conduct for lying in the street after being attacked. I'm sure Donny &Co are exploring ways to use violence to discourage those pesky protestors and get away with it.

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On one of the main roads near my house, there's a county park with a lot of woodland, and there are seasons in which turkeys are a driving hazard - not as bad as deer, but bad enough. The adults pop out into oncoming traffic from time to time, and occasionally, the moms try to lead recently-hatched babbies across the road.Luckily, most people around here are careful about the wildlife, and will stop traffic on both sides of the divided road when they see a turkey family heading out.

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Did he also demand that the protesters apologize for mussing up the bodyguards' nice suits?

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People are good here about stopping to get turtles out of the road. You just have to make sure you put them on the side where they were going instead of where they started, so they won't try again.

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The Turkish embassy should be expelled and diplomatic relations severed. But Trump wouldn't never do that because he just loves him some fascist police state shit.

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Be warned, this required having the fuckers ON RECORD talking about how they needed to gerrymander out African-American voters. It was as open-and-shut as it gets.

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Wanted to see it but it was only playing at 12:30 pm, last day today. "Boss Baby" on the other hand is still running. FML

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Can't stand 'im. No bull.

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