I'll give him that.

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Honestly I really do not.

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The blood money keeps flowing from NRA to pols...

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Where's ¡Jeb! on the list? Even the fucking NRA has written him off.

That's gotta leave a mark.

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there is no bottom . . . there is just more down.

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If it is workplace related, then we have no choice but to use air strikes to cut the workplace supply lines. Why did we let all Office Depots into the country anyway? There's probably one near you right now.

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we used to have Weathermen . . . they stayed mostly underground . . . and the right didn't like them very much.

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because SCROTUS deleted that clause from the Constitution.

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Snigger. Yeah. Most spiders run away when you approach them. Funnel webs? They actively seek you out, follow you, rear up on their hind legs (with prongs glistening), and can run verrrry fast.

But no one's died from one of these little fuckers since 1948, so it's all good.

ETA: I'd be more worried about white-tails, myself. No one's died from the bite (but a few people have topped themselves because of their reaction to it). Think ... gangrene.

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Very good.

That's like Australian cricket fans chanting, "Are you England in disguise?" when they're six wickets down and have only just reached three figures and ....

Don't worry. I can tell I've already lost you. :)

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And your evidence it was a terrorist attack is ...?Still buried deep in your rectum, perhaps. I suggest you pull harder, with lick you could eviscerate yourself.

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Who are you going to believe, Playonwords? Every fucking law enforcement entity involved in the case or our man Jim here?

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dude. they're not.

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I'll invent a time machine and keep the 2nd out of the Bill o' Rights.

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it was terrorism, wankers

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it wasn't and it had nothing to do with PP either, liar

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