Woodward like to literally teach like “Journalism”.


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Yale is teaching dictation?

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Nice "Post". I bet it will garner some funny "Comments".

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Hey, now, he was a good reporter....once.

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Thanks for reminding me how much happier I've been since I took advantage of the latest Firefox's "Ask to Activate" option for the flash plugin.

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Maybe shake is the wrong word to be using...

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<blockquote>To choose the 15 students for his fall class, [<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Steven_Brill_\(journalist\)" target="_blank">Steven</a>] Brill said he solicits writing samples and a statement of interest from approximately 80 applicants each year. Brill added that he anticipates Woodward will receive even more applications in the spring.</blockquote>

Not many are called. Or chosen.

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<i> he hopes to teach his students about the intensive and immersive reporting method he developed throughout his prolific journalistic career.</i>

Like how many cocktail wieners you can fit on a plate and which parties serve the good stuff.

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