that was the cause of one of my sons' Kafkaesque middle school experiences when the cafeteria worker almost shoveled a funny looking slice that maybe was missing stuff or something else that he found unsavory and he asked if he could have a different piece like the kid before him had asked and received successfully but my son caught grief from that worker. I told my son he had the right to choose since we were paying for it. One of his friends so disliked the cafeteria in middle school that he would beg his mom to make him a sammich.
He missed an office appointment in November ordered by the PA family court where (I guess) they were supposed to spend 45 minutes training him on how to find a new job. So a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. Next, regular family court appointment (support, custody stuff) at the end of January, he showed up and got arrested and thrown in jail for contempt of court.
Brilliant move, right? He's been in "the system" ever since. First 3 days in a holding pen with bleeding gang members and crap-encrusted homeless guys, then another week in County jail without his meds until his physician called as an outside advocate.
Tell us more ....I'm kinda slutty but so far that hasn't happened to me since I stopped drinking and got out of med school (sometimes the capacity for sluttiness exceeds the opportunities.)
This weirdo will be lucky if he manages to get into witness protection before some guy in an over size trench coast walks up to him and sticks him with a pen jabbing thing loaded with a Putin Poison cocktail.
there's got to be a meme about the ridiculousness or audacity of a white douche comparing himself to Dr King, maybe with Rachel McAdams from "Mean Girls."
Sounds normal. This is a pet peeve of mine. The US spends about $100B annually to incarcerate people but estimates of true economic cost range from an additional $5-10 for every dollar in direct cost. That's as much as 5-6% of GDP. People who are incarcerated vs those who are not for the same offense have higher divorce rates, lower marriage rates if they're young, higher rates of unemployment which actually increase with time, and lower levels of education. Their children have higher rates of incarceration themselves, and lower levels of educational achievement. But hey, someone's getting rich. If you're interested,
I can't look. I already have nearly three months of rage built up over how every fucking thing about this situation is set up to make everyone involved with it fail and get bilked out of a shitload if money they can't afford to even from the "outside" of it.
Lady MS here: Thought that at first, but later figured it could be Tillerson or Jared. Then again, Wilbur Ross was Bank of Cyprus exec when all the 'wash' was being done. So many thieves, so few warrants...
Oy. I finally found a good vegan sour cream substitute (WayFare, made of butter beans), and enjoyed a treat from childhood: hot steamed potato in cold borscht with sour cream. Now I want something different.
Wait. For what?
I am gonna try to steal this and put it on facebook.
that was the cause of one of my sons' Kafkaesque middle school experiences when the cafeteria worker almost shoveled a funny looking slice that maybe was missing stuff or something else that he found unsavory and he asked if he could have a different piece like the kid before him had asked and received successfully but my son caught grief from that worker. I told my son he had the right to choose since we were paying for it. One of his friends so disliked the cafeteria in middle school that he would beg his mom to make him a sammich.
He missed an office appointment in November ordered by the PA family court where (I guess) they were supposed to spend 45 minutes training him on how to find a new job. So a bench warrant was issued for his arrest. Next, regular family court appointment (support, custody stuff) at the end of January, he showed up and got arrested and thrown in jail for contempt of court.
Brilliant move, right? He's been in "the system" ever since. First 3 days in a holding pen with bleeding gang members and crap-encrusted homeless guys, then another week in County jail without his meds until his physician called as an outside advocate.
Tell us more ....I'm kinda slutty but so far that hasn't happened to me since I stopped drinking and got out of med school (sometimes the capacity for sluttiness exceeds the opportunities.)
This weirdo will be lucky if he manages to get into witness protection before some guy in an over size trench coast walks up to him and sticks him with a pen jabbing thing loaded with a Putin Poison cocktail.
there's got to be a meme about the ridiculousness or audacity of a white douche comparing himself to Dr King, maybe with Rachel McAdams from "Mean Girls."
I thought he was sucking Bebe Rebozo's dick.
Page would be well-advised to avoid tea, umbrellas, bathtubs, and windows for the foreseeable future.
Polonium: you're soaking in it.
Sounds normal. This is a pet peeve of mine. The US spends about $100B annually to incarcerate people but estimates of true economic cost range from an additional $5-10 for every dollar in direct cost. That's as much as 5-6% of GDP. People who are incarcerated vs those who are not for the same offense have higher divorce rates, lower marriage rates if they're young, higher rates of unemployment which actually increase with time, and lower levels of education. Their children have higher rates of incarceration themselves, and lower levels of educational achievement. But hey, someone's getting rich. If you're interested,
I can't look. I already have nearly three months of rage built up over how every fucking thing about this situation is set up to make everyone involved with it fail and get bilked out of a shitload if money they can't afford to even from the "outside" of it.
Wanna come over and clean our kitchen?
Lady MS here: Thought that at first, but later figured it could be Tillerson or Jared. Then again, Wilbur Ross was Bank of Cyprus exec when all the 'wash' was being done. So many thieves, so few warrants...
Oy. I finally found a good vegan sour cream substitute (WayFare, made of butter beans), and enjoyed a treat from childhood: hot steamed potato in cold borscht with sour cream. Now I want something different.
Yep, that's the scam. Sorry.