She doesn't turn 35 until October 13, 2024. As her first term in the House ends on January 3, 2021, she would have to run and win that seat twice as house terms are only for 2 years (bringing her term to January 3, 2025) before she could run for president or vice-president. Her other options could be US Senate - but those seats are up in 2022, so she would still have to run for office twice, or NY state governor or lt. governor, still making it twice she has to run for office - and win.

So she could be "ready to go" in 2023, after one election cycle, but she'd still have to run and win another cycle before she's eligible.

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Alright, my Coke Zero just spewed out my nose...

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Janice was cool and hippie-like. And obviously had a good heart.

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Seriously though, imagine being SO desperate to never get a real job you'd be willing to see Eric Trump naked for the rest of your life...the rest of womankind is infinitely happier than she will ever be and that's why she hates us.You know all the other trophy wives at the country club make fun of her, too :P

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"ERIC TRUMP: [Biden] really discriminated against other minority groups who have wonderful people, who have incredibly capable people..." Damn, I'm sure glad Republicans don't do anything like that!

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Definitely worth a laugh!

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That alone makes it worthwhile.

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But they're relentless. They just keep throwing shit at the wall until something sticks.

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That reminds me of tRump's recent declaration that if we stopped COVID-19 testing we'd have fewer cases.

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She's a far-left centrist!

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Their arguments may be disingenuous and uncreative, but the base swallows them whole.

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Check out these middle-class white women regretting the horrible mistake they made in 2016 https://www.theguardian.com...

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A neighbor, a very nice normal white woman, an art teacher, voted for trump because she said she could never trust HRC after she “took Bill back.” She definitely regrets her choices.

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Oh she’s small, very very small.

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The thing that gets me is these far right fright wing hacks all point at the Democratic Party side of aisle, making stupid references about vague generalities of racism and misogyny that simply are not true. But they fail to look at the silly joke of a political party they run interference for all the time. The Tea/Republican Party is completely racist and treats women like garbage. The elected people in the Tea/Republican Party that are not old white men are basically token representatives. They don't represent America. We the voters do. And we're supposed to vote for them? Give me a break. I never vote Tea/Republican. That whole political party could disappear and good riddance.

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In a speech this past weekend Trump was saying how "his people" just call him up to tell him what a great job he's doing and how happy they are. Apparently you can just dial right in to the White House or the President's personal cell phone for a quick chat on how awesome he is.

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