Wait .... a Twatter account active for six days, with eight twats, managed to amass 24,000 followers and 75,000 likes?I guess those numbers are so preposterous that they are what the network noticed . . . sloppy work on the part of the Russians. Clearly the original "likes" and re-twats are all from bogus accounts as well.

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I’m certain there are some black Trump supporters besides Jesse Lee Peterson, but regardless, it’s hardly a compelling argument for Trump’s re-election

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How To Stepien On Your Own DickThe Trump Administration's Amazing Mushroom Growth Plan--By Bill Stepien

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Then he arose on the third day as a pro-COVID Twiiter Bot!


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Doesn't Russia have, like, their own problems to attend to?

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I stay away from those ashy people.

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It's strange that no one ever posts actual examples of China's election interference. It's almost like it's made up.

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;) - just teasing. I still hang around with denizens of a few groups that survived in alternate forms (FB groups mostly suck, everything else is even worse - imho). I've looked up comments from the deep recesses to throw into arguments. It was fun in it's day though. sci.math was actually interesting, and the comp.lang hierarchy was useful. alt.tasteless.jokes was my entry - I had a guest account through a programmer friend at Xerox.

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Oh goody! In that case it' goes on to "anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

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don't trust that guy, he's a cop!!!! and he doesn't even grab em by the pussy!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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No, it's kind of a sticking point with me that Google completely fucked up and destroyed Deja News. There was TONS of great information on those old Usenet newsgroups, and with modern computing power we could have gone back and deleted all the spam and asshole griefer cross-posting. Hell, as long as you remove the *binaries* groups you could probably get the entire archives stored on a big iPhone.

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Nicely done, and good timing as well, what with the bogus Hunter Biden "hard drive" story circulating now.


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Clickfarms all the way down!

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Stay off the twittling...it’s a sewer.

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"Admittedly, when I was single, I had the best luck on dating apps if I just used the words β€œBlack Man Photo" instead of actual photos of myself." 😹😹

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Bill Stepien has somehow not noticed that Trump is running for the presidency all right, of the Confederacy.

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