99 Bananas. That is all.

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There was a Trump supporter who voted twice and got caught for voter fraud.

So yes it's happening.

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Wait, WHAT?!!! The Chemtrails are voting!???!!!L>>S!!!?

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See, I would have assumed dead people's names are for if you are gonna rob (or kill, who knows) a really rich person, get yourself a new identity (the dead name) and skip the country to drink something lovely with rum in it on a beach (with no extradition). But maybe that says something about me so I shouldn't admit it.

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I like "-weasel" or "-stain" for insults, personally.

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Silly libtards! Here's your proof that there is in-person voter fraud! This woman was trying to rig the election for Hillar... er, um Trump!


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The good Doktor is correct. There has been no voter fraud in this election until Friday; when a Republican tried to vote twice.

Electoral Fraud on the other hand......

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Shouldn't we change the name of Facebook to Faceplant? This is getting painful.

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I've had to say more than once, "just ring up what I gave you and see what happens."

'OMG, I'm going to give you a $5 bill instead of $4.99. It's a miracle!!!'

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My grandfather was an illiterate Italian immigrant, who worked as a coal miner in the early 1900's. The local party bosses would visit his house on election day and give him $10 to vote a certain way. $10 was a lot of money in 1912, and he had 8 children, so he did what they paid him to do. You don't hear about that kind of voting fraud anymore.

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The Republican Party is laboring under a consent decree issued by a federal court because they were a little over zealous in suppressing the vote in New Jersey in 1982. They sent out people in uniform to march around voting stations and placed flyers around advertising something like the "Voter Protection Force" intimating that it was a legitimate governmental organization investigating voter fraud. Some of their members were police officers and armed. Anyhwo, the decree is set to be lifted this year (that's a 34 year decree) unless of course the Republicans get all hinky with this years vote and then it will be extended but I forget until when.

So, here's hoping that Trump's poll watchers triggers the extension. Fucking idiots.

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Chuckle snicker chuckle.>^o.o^<

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Independent or the Guardian (I forget which) reported this as "Old machines that are touched by people all day so build up a layer of grease. Frankly if I was going to defraud the vote and I could programme the machines I'd just have predetermined stuff inside already, rather than VISIBLY change the vote on screen.

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Stories are being shared about bazillions of dead people still being registered to vote. Trump wants people to observe for anything suspicious at election sites. This is a public service announcement about what you should look for. You're welcome. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I have to correct you Dok. This AM HuffPoreports an actual felony case of voter fraud out of Iowa from a Trump supporter who voted twice. The second vote was because she feared that her first vote had been flipped in favor of Hillary. The story also reports of two other cases that have not yet resulted in charges.

As for the dimwit in the above story who "can't think of any other reason why someone would do this...'LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE TO THINK WITH!

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really -- what a slacker.

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