Of course, it passed. I am so tired of Texas..

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Yeah, I'll stop with the "rootin-tootin" caricatures of Texans when the US stops talking about pushy New Yorkers, dumb Southerners, and the fruits and nuts of California, etc.

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I can't imagine why we wouldn't make guns more readily available to people who we've decided are (legally) so bad at making decisions that they can't even buy beer.

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There is a companion bill being fast-tracked through the "Law of the West" legislative committee that purists pushed through, requiring that each open carry permit user wear a stetson, a white one if the colt in his holster is just for show and a black one if its loaded for bear, or razorback, whichever. Currently there are also some amendments being considered, as to how to tip the hat courteously to a lady, thereby not instilling fear in the gentle sex and how to slant it rakishly as part of a throw down challenge to a man that needs killin'

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Murder She Wrote is over there under Fictio...https://img1.etsystatic.com...

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Only a foo pays RetailForFREE PUBLICE-ITY

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Watch what you wear. I recommend Dockers and a black polo shirt for everyone.

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Or bowling.

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With a minor in menacing?

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I hope the IAFF issues a statement to Texas warning them that it's one thing to piss of the fire department over endless false alarms at the dorms, but it's quite another to have a firefighter take a bullet from Cletus, the drunken frat boy.

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I suspect the Party of Ideas.

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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I don't trust most people to handle my Nerf guns with any responsibility. Hell, I wouldn't give most people twice their age a gun if the Combine were invading.

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sounds legit except for the part where you'll be treating lots of hemorrhaging wounds. remember the campus is set up as a mostly pedestrian campus and that means that many of the grounds (especially those around the iconic tower which currently has its clock stopped at 11:48 am and will until tomorrow at the same time; it will also be dark tonight) are not accessible by such vehicles. I suspect it's a good thing that there's a new medical school. (fun fact: Sen. Watson got the entire inaugural class for the UT Dell Medical School to attend our soiree celebrating SCOTUS' strike down of two sections of our own HB2 and they have expressed interest in their curriculum including how to perform an abortion!)

but worry not. State Rep. Elliott Naishtat (who represents most of campus, for those not in the know) took his Farewell Tour to the radio waves today condemning campus carry and all it stands for. the Farewell Tour was dubbed so by House Human Services chair Rep. Richard "Pena" Raymond (D-Laredo) as Naishtat is retiring after 25 years in his seat. his successor is Gina Hinojosa, current at-large AISD board member and former member of the legal team which is still in the process of killing Tom Delay (with LEGAL STUFF), and also too daughter of TDP chairman Gilberto Hinojosa.

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This is why I gave up being a Texan.

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As of August 2017, Texas will allow open carry on campus. I am a professor and I dread the day. I had an ex-military student with a hero complex; he couldn't wait until he can open carry. When I pointed out that the police would shoot him on sight were there a shooting on campus because they won't know who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, he was startled. I also pointed out that I have had a number of students who were vets with PTSD and TBI and he agreed that they had no business carrying guns on campus, but they can if they want to.We in the professoriate are expecting a shooter on campus.

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It's Texas,WTF do you expect?

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