My apologies, Congressman PredatorAnd that is the sad part, we have to look at all these legislators turning out to be sick freaks (this does not include the ones merely cheating on their wives or being closet gay, that is a whole nuther sort of problem and not nearly so bad, to me, as preying on children) and wonder...which of our congresscritters are NOT twisted creepers?
It's getting to the point that Sanford's expeditions on the Appalachian Trail look normal... and Bill Clinton's beej has a kind of quaint, old-fashioned charm.
He was a teacher/coach from ages 23-39. I wasn't able to copy the black and white photo I found, but he was pretty cute then, although he also looked kind of sullen and angry.
Because they believe that the other person liked it just as much as he did. And of course he believes, since he knows that he'll never reveal the secret of illicit pleasure shared, the boy won't either.
For all you conspiracy theorists: Doesn't $3.5 million seem like an exorbitant amount to blackmail someone for a coach-student sex abuse from decades ago? Statutes of limitations are up, He's not an active politician. Sure, it would be embarrassing if revealed, and might cost him his lucrative lobbying career. But, he's a rich man and could retire in style. And it is highly likely that he would claim a he said/he said defense from ages ago and it would all blow over.
But consider this: Mark Allen Collman of Yorkville IL (Hastert's hometown) and a 1975 graduate of Yorkville high school (where Hastert coached and taught 1965-1981), disappeared on 3 April, 1979. No body was ever found, but police suspected foul play. The case has never been solved.
A revelation of gheyness would certainly hurt Miss Dennie's future employment, but the repig party takes care of it's disgraced members. The Talibunny, furhman, north, liddy....
Sounds more like he's paying for time not spent in jail.
Blackmailing a former Speaker is a national security crime. All Miss Dennie had to do was go to the authorities and let them know he was being extorted and they'd "visit" the blackmailer.
BUT: there is no statute of limitations on murder.
A waited until Miss Dennie was making the money and then blackmailed. That's the only reason: he knew that Miss Dennie was a soulless prick and would go for the money after leaving office.
Prostitute libelz!!!!!!!11
There....are....FOUR LIGHTS!
My apologies, Congressman PredatorAnd that is the sad part, we have to look at all these legislators turning out to be sick freaks (this does not include the ones merely cheating on their wives or being closet gay, that is a whole nuther sort of problem and not nearly so bad, to me, as preying on children) and wonder...which of our congresscritters are NOT twisted creepers?
It's getting to the point that Sanford's expeditions on the Appalachian Trail look normal... and Bill Clinton's beej has a kind of quaint, old-fashioned charm.
(*continues to listen, but cowers in fear*)
I KNEW it would be Obama's fault!!!
He was a teacher/coach from ages 23-39. I wasn't able to copy the black and white photo I found, but he was pretty cute then, although he also looked kind of sullen and angry.
That being the case, why go on and trumpet "See there? I told you so!" if, as you assert, you hate it so much?!
Because they believe that the other person liked it just as much as he did. And of course he believes, since he knows that he'll never reveal the secret of illicit pleasure shared, the boy won't either.
It's OK. We're gonna keep ignoring climate change and pretty soon, the planet will be rid of us.
For all you conspiracy theorists: Doesn't $3.5 million seem like an exorbitant amount to blackmail someone for a coach-student sex abuse from decades ago? Statutes of limitations are up, He's not an active politician. Sure, it would be embarrassing if revealed, and might cost him his lucrative lobbying career. But, he's a rich man and could retire in style. And it is highly likely that he would claim a he said/he said defense from ages ago and it would all blow over.
But consider this: Mark Allen Collman of Yorkville IL (Hastert's hometown) and a 1975 graduate of Yorkville high school (where Hastert coached and taught 1965-1981), disappeared on 3 April, 1979. No body was ever found, but police suspected foul play. The case has never been solved.
Just asking questions.
Thank you thank you thank you.
A revelation of gheyness would certainly hurt Miss Dennie's future employment, but the repig party takes care of it's disgraced members. The Talibunny, furhman, north, liddy....
Your theory makes more sense.
Sounds more like he's paying for time not spent in jail.
Blackmailing a former Speaker is a national security crime. All Miss Dennie had to do was go to the authorities and let them know he was being extorted and they'd "visit" the blackmailer.
BUT: there is no statute of limitations on murder.
The official repig line is that he's a victim of the liberal press and gubmint.
A waited until Miss Dennie was making the money and then blackmailed. That's the only reason: he knew that Miss Dennie was a soulless prick and would go for the money after leaving office.