And the person to take them?

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pedant point; Flavor aid.

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and yet 538 has approval numbers above Dec. 2017 -- Despite everything that has happened since then! DO NOT SLEEP!all it takes is +1 vote in the right districts, combined with the systemic fu < kery that the fascist authoritarian Republican Party is know for (of course).

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Drumpfenfuhrer has demonstrated himself entirely incapable of human decency and courtesy.

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It's Oregon and chances are they're all white

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They unconsciously identify with the fictional character in power. The morality of a play, bible verse, movie, or song doesn't register with them. It's just noise.

Stereotypical kung fu movies start with an evil master killing many innocent people (but missing that one child buried in the rubble). This establishes them as evil. That one child grows up and, at the end of the movie, does their own mass killing, but the normal viewer knows they are applying justice.

RW viewers are unaware of, or disinterested in, the distinction.

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We built the Titanic! No, wait...the Hindenburg!

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I think that if Dubya were able to run for a 3rd term, his numbers would have been much higher as the troops rallied against the Kenyan usurper.

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Or, alternatively (and I have seen this), because we decided "we're fucked, Trump will cheat and Biden/Pelosi/the Joint Chiefs will roll over out of cowardice like the Dems did in Florida 2000, there's no point trying".

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Oh, I know that trick (see back of card). But in Big Chuck's Cleveland, it wouldn't've been an idiot, rather a Certain Ethnic Background.

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Why the hell wouldn't China want Trump re-elected?

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I love these 2 sentences so much.

"And Jared got to rule from afar because Brad would do whatever he said. In return, Brad made a fuck-ton of money and got to live by the pool in Florida."

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So true. So, so true.

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So Benedict Donald has the Imperial Fleet.

Guess what the Democrats have this time?


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At least you didn't have to see their junk from the belly overhang.

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