Gohmert is as insane as Trump. Gohmert thinks this is the way it should be.

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Love it! And seriously... the Dutch make good coffee! Douwe Egberts coffee - yummy!

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Is it just me, but is that geek exactly the type the master race DOESN'T want as part of the master race.

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Doesn't Donny realize that the world is alternately laughing at him and quaking in fear over his antics?

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Good riddance

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I'll go down with a prediction that he lasts a few months, does a bunch of insane shit, and they dust off the 25th Amendment (yes folks they do go past the 2nd) and Pence and the cabinet will send him to a farm upstate. Trump's kids won't care because they will finally have the keys to the Trump Empire and that will give them an excuse not to give it back. Melania won't give a fuck and Donald is on his own in Crazy Town.

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Oh the sharpest, pointiest, rustiest votes for any and everyone who has worked with or for The Lying Bastard and now expresses these thoughts. If you didn't know what he was until now, you're too stupid to hold office or be working with and for those who do, or you were complicit until now because you saw money and power and now have buyers remorse. May you be sent off to the opposite of the Grey Havens with so, so many votes.

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Manchin, he of the wretched Pharma CEO daughter. Not actually a Democrat but plays one occasionally on TV when it is of benefit to him.

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Ja, I think I see ein obergruppenfuehrer in the foreground

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Anal swelling libelz.

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Point and laugh, people, point and laugh: today, tomorrow, until it takes whatever it takes to take the supposed strong man down.

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Couldn't see the forest for the trees red flags.

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Or maybe an orangegropin'fuehrer...

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Looks like they changed articles and didn't do a redirect. It's fixed.

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The only thing surprising about any of this is that it is surprising to anyone at all.

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"Anyway, this is all very heartening and what time is it acceptable to start drinking in the morning during the Trump years?"

Evan, do you really want the answer to that question, or are you just looking for some kind of affirmation? Personally, I don't plan on being sober until... I dunno. 2018? 2020?

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