Yes, Heritage Foundation Guy, Let's Talk About 'Abortion Three Days After Birth' Supporters
Give me some names and I am right there with you.
During a discussion this weekend on MSNBC, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts told Symone Sanders and Michael Steele that his organization is an organization for those conservatives who “know what time it is in America.” This innocuous-sounding phrase is not meant to help anyone make it to an appointment on time or start getting dinner ready.
It actually refers to conservatives who understand, according to John Fonte, a fellow at the Hudson Institute (another conservative think tank) that left-wing ideology “cannot be moderated or reformed. It must be annihilated root and branch from all corners of American life.” Basically, they should feel free to ignore the law, the constitution and common decency as long as it helps them achieve these ends. That is, really, what Project 2025 is all about.
Take a moment and think of all the tears that would flow if we did or said anything like this. After all, these are people who regularly get upset about Democratic politicians “hating half the country” and are still very upset about Hillary Clinton calling (some of) them a “basket of deplorables.”
It’s why Roberts was so open in that discussion about his plan to fire all civil servants who donated or possibly voted for Democrats (which is many of them) and replacing them with workers who will be loyal to Donald Trump. This is one way we can know for sure that all of their faux-free-speech “but what about diversity of thought?” nonsense was always nonsense.
One of the ways Roberts (and others like him) are trying to make things like Project 2025 sound normal and not horrifying is by painting those of us on the Left as being a dangerous (though extremely small, which is why it will always be voter fraud if a Democrat wins) minority that must be stopped at any cost.
Toward the end of the interview, Sanders asked him whether he thought those with possibly dangerous pregnancies should be able to get an abortion if their doctor says it is warranted.
"Abortion's not healthcare. I find it really interesting, if not worse, that you wouldn't support the change of the [Health and Human Services] department's name to the Department of Life. I thought we were all in support of life. Why aren't we talking about the people who are supporting legislation that abortion can happen until three days after the person's born? Abortion is not healthcare. Abortion is the murder of a human,” he said, very much not answering the question he was actually asked.
That is a very good question, though! Why aren't we talking about the people who are supporting legislation that abortion can happen until three days after a person's born?
I, for one, would absolutely love to have this discussion! Although in order to have that conversation, we would first have to know who those people are and what “legislation” they reportedly support.
I mean, I would just have to think that if there were legislation floating around “New York, California, Virginia” allowing for abortion “three days after birth,” that I would be able to find it. Or I would certainly be able to find an op-ed in favor of it. So, if true, I’m going to need Kevin Roberts to enlighten me.
Alas, when I looked, all I was able to find were some bizarre comments from the notably awful James Watson of Watson and Crick — the co-discoverers of DNA, not a 1970s era singer-songwriter duo — who, at one point, reportedly said that "If a child were not declared alive until three days after birth, then all parents could be allowed the choice that only a few are given under the present system. The doctor could allow the child to die if the parents so chose and save a lot of misery and suffering."
I actually cannot locate this quote anywhere but on anti-abortion rights websites, but given that Watson is very well-known to be terrible, I wouldn’t put it past him. If he said it, it was a hell of a long time ago, because one of the only sources I’ve found for it was from Ronald Reagan in 1986.
He’s also said some incredibly sexist, homophobic and deeply racist things — the latter of which many of today’s conservatives who “know what time it is” would agree with. You know, all that racist IQ science they love so much. However, Watson is a 94-year-old biologist, not a legislator.
So, again …
The only other references to “three days after birth” that I could find were about safe haven laws — laws that allow those who want to give up their children to drop them off at certain locations like firehouses or churches without legal repercussions, often within three days of birth.
That could be what he’s talking about. Or he could be talking about palliative care. It’s very difficult to be entirely sure.
How are we supposed to talk about these people who want abortions three days after birth if we don’t even know who they are? Are we just meant to assume these cruel murderesses exist because Kevin Roberts says they do? Are they hiding under Kevin Roberts’s bed? Do we need to check under there and in the closet before he goes night-night?
He needs to invoke the “cruel mother” folk archetype (Roud 9, Child 20) in order to make his case. He can’t have people sympathizing with people in unbelievably difficult situations and thus must make monsters out of them. He must insinuate that the reason people have and perform abortions is out of a genuine and sincere desire to murder babies for the sheer fun of it — because that’s the thing that is going to keep anti-abortion rights from wavering as they watch woman after woman come forward to talk about how they have been denied the ability to terminate a pregnancy that might kill them, or how they were forced to give birth to a child with no chance of survival.
Otherwise, they just might be pushed to change their minds.
OT: Josh Duggar; remember him? Well, he had an appeal up before the US Supreme Court . . . and the Court issued a flat denial. He stays in chokey as a child sex offender.
So there's that, I guess.
The only people supporting abortion after birth are the sadistic fuckers who are willing to let a pregnant woman die in a hospital parking lot because the dead fetus she's carrying isn't toxic enough to warrant removal without fear of being arrested. These monsters need to go back to Transylvania where they came from.