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Not to mention cross-dressage . . .

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What, is there no VIP entrance ?!?

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The White Mare prophecy ?

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How did she persuade a military band to play that travesty at an official event? It would have been hilarious if they played the correct version, and left her way behind.

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Never disclosed, as far as I can tell, but somebody at Forbes said "my sources tell me the deal is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $10-$12 million/year". And this is not enough because?

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And, while of course there is no easy proof of this, I'm pretty sure it's mostly the same 27%.

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I dunno. The Pinkie Pie Launcher is beginning to int(bqtwtcver)rique me.

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Fail Annie, pls.

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Like dark energy, it has not yet been experimentally observed. Unlike dark energy, it wouldn't explain a damn thing and no-one gives a tinker's cuss whether it exists.

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But she will not tell it that she loves it.

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The original Peeping Tom was struck blind for peeking at Godiva. I wonder what the punishment would be this time?

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Struck dumb

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not black.

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I think Mittens said something about having a 'registered address' in Massachusetts. Which suggests that either the company/person line is becoming increasingly blurred, or he's committing voter fraud.

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Wonkette showed me as logged in on one article last week, but I had to log in again to be able to post.

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