Helluva primary, in my opinion.

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The problem is, the East Coast liberals went along with The Trick. Liberals west of the Mississippi either went along (thank you, San Francisco) or gnashed their teeth (LA, Denver, SLC, even KC).

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Yes, I mentioned in the live chat yesterday that it annoyed me that Biden even had to make the pledge. For Republicans, it’s usually a *given* that if they win, they will appoint white Christian conservative extremists. What is going on when Democrats have to pledge to reward the demographic that votes for them overwhelmingly (over 90 percent!). It should be a given.

And Democratic POTUSes should appoint Black women to every conceivable high level position. It should look like a Tyler Perry movie, and the GOP should be on the defensive. Make *them* say, “Why are you appointing all these Black women?”

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it must be exhausting to be her. the mental contortions alone would be impressive if they didn't have real world consequences

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Susan Collins' lisp makes her bullshit all that much more infuriating.

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That’s a lisp? I honestly thought she’d had a stroke some time ago.

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With a rusty chainsaw.

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I can already predict that Biden’s nominee will get exactly zero Republican votes and it won’t matter if Lindsey or Susan voted to confirm her for an earlier judgeship. Republicans will refuse to vote for her just to be dicks.

And Mancinema will express “concerns” about the nominee and will need to be convinced to support her.

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Exactly! It also goes to another thing where Democrats keep telegraphing what they plan to do, almost like they're testing it out on the public, giving Republicans and their media allies time to hone their attacks--whereas when Republicans want to do something, they just do it, so that by the time everyone builds up outrage it's over and old news. Like the filibuster--McConnell would have just whipped a vote, we'd have a week of howling over it, then hey, stop living in the past, Dems, we're on to the next outrage....

Meantime, when Democrats want to do it, we get months of public discussion, it fails, and now Democrats will be blamed for "having started it" when Republicans later dismantle it at their own leisure.

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Two words: Stephen King.

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Yeah, I felt like if the turtle wanted to play bullshit games, Obama should have just gone ahead and said "I was elected POTUS, TWICE, and this is my choice. If Mitch doesn't like it, he can bite me." Then he should have just had Garland show up. What could the other justices done to him? Sued him? I think Obama thought Hillary was going to win, so he didn't want to make a big stink about it.

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EXACTLY. Trump extorted one of our allies to make shit up about his political opponent. That's not illegal? Who the hell would have stopped Obama from rightfully seating Garland on the Supreme Court? The guy who said he couldn't appoint a justice a YEAR before an election, but sat a justice he wanted within 38 days of an election? FUCKE Mitch McConnell.

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Susan Collins can go fuck herself. She's a fraud. She's a concern-having, moderate-pretending fucking fraud.

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Yeah, they definitely were going to lose their shit no matter who Biden picked-unless it was Steve Bannon-because reflexive performative outrage is genetic in these motherfuckers. That said, the idea of an uppity Black woman In a SCOTUS robe is just beyond the pale for these shitsacks.

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Regardless of the strata of "concern" she is experiencing it must always be remembered that Susan Collins functions to manipulate and equivocate for the benefit of the Rethugs.

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I mentioned this over the weekend but Republicans are going to be leaning really hard into the attempted filibuster of the vile Janice Rogers Brown to prove Biden is the real racist.The only response should be that rubberstamping everything the far right does doesn't make you qualified to be a judge which is why she was opposed by Biden,Obama and others and rightfully so.

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