Mmmmmmmmmmmmm ... dal. I made comfort food yesterday. Big pot of classic brown lentils (with salt and pepper and a little garlic and onion and some turmeric and mango), another big pot of rice and corn (butter, salt and pepper). And naan.

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His head looks very mushroomy in that photo. Did he insult the makeup and hair people before going on camera? Kill their grandparents or something?

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I don't know what Nichol's problem is, conservatism has already been forever destroyed in America....by Republicans and Trumpians (which are the same thing, so, redundancy I guess).

And they haven't stopped destroying it.

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Haley's tweet is fucked up, because it's the mirror image of what you get from the "Bernouts" and other far-Leftists who say that Pelosi, Schumer and Biden are incapable of standing up to Republicans or corporate overlords.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t her daddy a US Senator or something?

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Yeah, especially in its current iteration, it's purely a reactionary party.

They don't want to limit the size of government, they want to destroy it. They don't want to preserve the status quo (per se), they want to rip us backward 150 years. There is no higher ideology or philosophy. It's just a bunch of predominantly white men who are terrified of not having the apex position in society by default anymore—and they want to hurt anyone they believe threatens that position. They are scared of a changing world and of a more level playing field.

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Horseshoe theory.

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He certainly played on the fears of the racists and weaponized it.

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I reject horseshoe theory, because I'm an actual communist and I can tell that Biden is like a godzillion times less evil than Trump and needs to be voted for. No, the people who claim to be "left" but just talk like Republicans with the script flipped aren't socialists. They're more like Stalinists or even Strasserists.

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They are forced birthers, to keep women poor and punish them for having sex. If they gave a damn about babies they would give funding after they were born. Spot on about the taxes though.

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I was pretty young at that time and missed that. Thanks for explaining.

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I've been calling them bible-Nazis since Reagan...much more accurate.

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Thanks for the clarification!

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I'm 72, a lifelong Democrat and "liberal", which I take to mean a decent person. I havef never found one "conservative" who did even one good thing for anyone but the extreme rich, and the post - Newt generation just disgusts and repels me. But, FWIW, I also think Bernis is a first rate asshole who should never be heard from again. IF you are not voting for Biden you are voting for Trump, and there is no way around it.

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I'm just a bit younger than Nichols and Scarborough and have a West Coast perspective, so Pete Wilson is probably the kind of conservative they would uphold. Kind of a Poppy Bush with a tan. But Dana Rohrabacher and Duke Cunningham were there all along.

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"I don't see much evidence that liberals want to 'destroy conservatism forever.'"

Well, I'm a liberal who would like to see an end to conservatism as it exists now. Modern conservatism exists on a spectrum from "fascism lite" to Nazi. Sane, intelligent, reasonable conservatives no longer exist, or at least not in numbers large enough to matter. Conservatives WILL destroy our world and everyone in it if they are not removed from power.

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