Now please do Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

I'll wait.

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Like you, I'll take President Pelosi in a heartbeat. And President Elizabeth Warren even faster. Even President Joe Biden would be orders of magnitude better than Trump, and whether he gets anywhere on the campaign trail or not, I hope he torpedoes the trumped-up (perfect term) accusations about Burisma, Shokin, and the Ukraine, right out of the water.

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Okay, ewwww. That's an I-doan-wanna-think-aboud-it if I ever thought about anything. I will never look at Wall the same way. Talk about compensation! And yeah, deep roots was probably a misspeaking.

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Mazars said they would hand over the taxes returns if the court ruled them to. I imagine they will since they are an international company. I don't think they are going to go to jail for Trump.

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They don't make enough Viagra.Wall, sponsored by Cialis.Mexico will pay for the erection : (

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I do worry about that kid and his welfare - it can't be a good situation to grow up with those 2 for parents

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Could Trump pass? I honestly don't think so.

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This is my ladder and I'll pull it up behind me if I want.

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Blocked em before for some sort of fuckery.

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Let's keep winning, Indivisables!

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My understanding is that Melon lives separately in Maryland with Baron and her parents, "to be closer to Baron's school."

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Let’s hope the supremes decide not to hear the case. It’s hardly groundbreaking in the judicial sense. Subpoena = compliance or contempt.

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I never get tired of that eagle clip. The Tramp tries to grab the Constitution by the pussy and gets some serious impeachment beak.

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