I just soiled my pantaloons, thanks to you! Wouldn't be too bad, but I'm at work.

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But this goes against the scripture of Big & Rich chapter 7 verse 13, "And those spoketh Big, 'Save a horse, ride a cowboy.'"

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Goddammit, Virginia, you're my home state! I thought you stopped competing with Florida and Alabama and the rest when we got rid of Cuccinelli.

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Do you see the way they dress? They're asking for it.

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Sheesh! I'd order the videos, but I'm not sure they're legal in my state.

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WWCTGS? What would Catherine the Great Say?

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I had to go there. <a href="http://www.cowboychurchofva..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.cowboychurchofva.com/">http://www.cowboychurchofva...

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Unless, of course, unless the horse is the famous...Rafalcá*! ________________________ *who, as weejee points out below, could possibly be a bit gay.

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Holy Crap!!!!!!!

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I listened to the reading they proveide at that website and I swear I heard fapping sounds in the background.

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Ummm, no son- the saddle goes on top...

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Oh ewe of little faith.

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my not so little pony...

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Does PETA know about this?

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Can someone point out where in the bible this guy is getting his information? I must have had the wrong version .

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Oh Wilbur!

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