This is inconceivable!

Oh wait, no it's not.

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People who hate America are so dependent on "context."

Besides, both journamalistic sides do it...

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Finally a "Fox" news story I like.

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<strike>Like Fox News, </strike>James O'Keefe is <strike>the</strike> perfect <strike>reflection of modern Republicanism. He can't use facts or the truth to make a persuasive argument for his policies so turns to manufacturing controversy through deception. If he did a story about gravity, he'd only show helium balloons and call it veritas. And if he did a story about himself, he'd leave out the lying. It would be a very short film.</strike>

<i>This comment has been edited by James O'Keefe.</i>

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O'Keefe's picture is the worst. Stevie. Wonder. impersonation. ever.

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I realize this is a losing battle, but I know a little about grifting and I'm really tired of "sting" not being used correctly. A lie, an undercover operation, a false front is not a sting.

If it's a real sting the victim never knows what hit 'em. While it's probably too much to ask to expect people have read the classic "The Con Game and 'Yellow Kid' Weil" (a textbook - how to give away worthless land and make money) - couldn't folks at least watch the movie?

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I'd be floored if the sleazy fuck had NOT deceptively edited the transcript.

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Fapping it up.

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James O'Keefe's motivation for everything: Look at me! I'm on teevee!!!

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