Wow, I'm gathering great material for the online US History course I'm teaching this coming year. Thanks!

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This is what happens when Aunt Jemima makes Paula Deen cook the vittles the whole south goes flapjacked

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Did you get your ass kicked because you had been killing, maiming, raping, and exploiting your fellow students? Had you perhaps locked some of them into the basement and made them do your homework for a few years? Any forced tats or nose rings? Did you attempt at any point to destroy the school system or murder the Superintendent of Schools? Were you responsible for preventing your classmates from learning to read, living with their parents, taking part in the school play or the sock hop, or being paid for their paper routes? No?

Then I'm sorry, but your example is simply not appropriate. Just one more effort by a liebrul to distort the historical record through false equivalencies.

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Michel Ney LIBEL!!!

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0/2... Damn...

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“I think that society has allowed us to become almost ashamed to our heritage because of the mistruths that are taught … Some people want to put a stigma on one flag and rather than stand up and say this flag is my great, great grandfather’s flag.”

How do we get these people to stop being proud that their great great grandfather was either: 1. A morally vicious slaveowner 2. A morally vicious slaveowner's stooge, or 3. A morally vacuous dupe of same

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<i>"...allowed us to become almost ashamed to our heritage because of the mistruths that are taught..."</i>

It's the truths about antebellum South (and postbellum) that causes the shame.

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When southerners visit my beloved city of New York I always tell them to be sure to go see the wonderful equestrian statue of Sherman on Grand Army Plaza in the middle of Manhattan; easy to find--right by the FAO Schwartz flagship store.

I like to let them know that we spent $100,000 having the gold leaf restored a few years ago.

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I remember seeing a pickup truck with a 'Lee surrendered...I didn't' bumper sticker, in Jackson TN.

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Napoleon was not French. Yes, OK, he used a French <em>Armee</em>, but he wasn't French...

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Do people in Germany display the swastika to honor their past?

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Flag burning is still protected speech, is it not?

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Really the South still doesn't understand what they <strike>did</strike> are still doing wrong.


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Hey, the chamber has one black employee (out of the 21 shown)!

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and this young man is the descendant of one of his chattel...

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These are the readers that Ebony magazine was sorry to lose.

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