We're always surprised to find out that there are still government bodies all over America that still think it is a dandy idea to start their meetings with a prayer, but only a prayer to Jeebus, of course, because any other prayer is for heathens that are going to hell.
Maybe, but the Islamaniacs are coming on strong. The world really should set aside a country where Crusaders and Jihadists can slug it out, leaving the rest of us the fuck alone.
They probably ought to re-educate themselves on the words allocated to their object of worship by their own fairy tale on the subject of public prayers, too.
Butbutbut "Declaration of Independence" arglebargle "Creator" yammeryammer "obviously the particular subdenominational flavor of God I believe in" QED BITCHES!!!
I say again, they could easily have added Jesus to the Constitution. "Congress shall make no law that restricting Christian worship." for example. But the didn't do that.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Maybe, but the Islamaniacs are coming on strong. The world really should set aside a country where Crusaders and Jihadists can slug it out, leaving the rest of us the fuck alone.
Hay Ladeeeee! Matthew 6:5-15.
Your own Bible is persecuting you.
Ooo, there's an obscure one.
Deadly seriously. When you cease to believe in my particular god, and my specific subsect of its worshipers, we all stop being Americans.
So <i>knock it off</i>, people!
&quot;Mr. Churchill! You are drunk.&quot;
&quot;Yes I am. And you are ugly. Tomorrow, however, I&#039;ll be sober.&quot;
She knows because the voices in her head tell her.
They probably ought to re-educate themselves on the words allocated to their object of worship by their own fairy tale on the subject of public prayers, too.
Butbutbut &quot;Declaration of Independence&quot; arglebargle &quot;Creator&quot; yammeryammer &quot;obviously the particular subdenominational flavor of God I believe in&quot; QED BITCHES!!!
And who is the most-often mentioned person in the Koran?
Christ on a stick - these people are certainly intent on disproving Intelligent Design, if only by their actions.
&ldquo;If we cease to believe that our rights come from God, we cease to be America,&rdquo; she explained ...&quot; Seriously?
Sadly, not the first time I&#039;ve seen that particular absurd sentiment expressed.
My Bible discourages public prayer...and so does yours, if you&#039;d quit using it as a prop long enough to read it.
If I looked like that I&#039;d probably pray more than I do now.
I say again, they could easily have added Jesus to the Constitution. &quot;Congress shall make no law that restricting Christian worship.&quot; for example. But the didn&#039;t do that.