Nyah Nyah I said it first!!!

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It would really be scary if you weren't using your powers for good.

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Can I sue you if I'm NOT offended by your comments?

Admittedly, this is one of those "hypotheticals", but still...

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So Snipy, I am very much not a lawyer, but I have occasionally found myself on the outskirts of a puddle of contract law. This particular bouquet of shitblossoms appears to be asserting an implied contractual obligation on the part of the unwitting consumer.

But, at least in California, a valid contract requires a genuine "meeting of the minds". With something like a EULA, it may be that the density of the fine print prevents most people from actually reading the stuff, but at least you know there is a EULA associated with the transaction. And only with that transaction.

There's also the fact that with typical cents-off coupons, the contract on the coupon is actually with the retailer.

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I learn so much in here. It's always a blast.

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You could spend an entire day reading one of those things from Microschlock or Apple. They should bury a "First one to call this number gets $1,000" statement in the middle of all that dreck, and see how many years pass before somebody finds it and cashes in.

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So what's to prevent you from slapping a disclaimer on your own Faceplant page, stating that you no not agree to arbitration, and reserve the right to sue the pants off of any corporation that fucks you up?

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Anyone who reads this has agreed de facto not to sue me.


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By reading this comment, you have received a benefit from me and hence cannot sue me.

By <i>not</i> reading this comment, you have received an even greater benefit from me and hence cannot sue me.

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I think we need a new social media outlet on which we can do the opposite of <i>friend</i> corporations and other forms of people. Let's say <i>enemy</i> them, and tell them to their faces in no uncertain terms what we really think of them. I would call it <i>Fuckface</i>.

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I remember him as Wilbur Mills. I think he was a congresscritter. And he'd still be there if he had gone to New Orleans for his hookers. See, kids? Blowjobs ruin lives.

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Chockula it up to his legislative skills.

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<i>This comment says you can read it, but if you do, you will be forced to give everything you own to it</i>

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I would never want to boo Berry.

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You are allowed to read this comment, but some dark night, when you're just nodding off, you'll hear a mysterious knock on the door. . . .

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If only Wonkette allowed comments, I'd recommend Joe's O's to sad Cheerios fans who live within driving distance of a Trader Joe's. Too bad I can't; they're delicious.

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