If I was that omni-thing God, I would have mentioned penicillin in the Bible. Also time travelled to 1933 and killed Hitler (natch). I would be honored to have Michelle Obama to worship me. Those other dimwits could worship me, but I wouldn't go around bragging a out it to my fellow omni-sexual pals.

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He'd convert all the water in the room into 1982 Chateau Margaux. I imagine he got invited to a lot of parties.

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you know, we have been flying the pirate flag here in fuflans' house for many many years (several flags in fact as one eventually tires of jack rackham and moves on to Sam Bellamy. obv.).

of late several have been stolen ('FUCKING KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN").

i think i see a jesus flag in our near future.

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This is an exhaustively thorough post. Tnx, Dok, and safe 12/31 to all the Zoomettes.

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If Catholic organizations are allowed to opt out of covering birth control, would a similar organization run by Jehovah's Witnesses be able to avoid covering blood transfusions?

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There are never too many Magic Underwear jokes.

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Reason does not always apply (see: Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Bryan Fischer and whole bunch of other evangelical dipshits, Catholic fuckups and deranged Baptist retards).

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Fiscal cliff solution: tax the fucking churches.

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Is "antelope" some new slang the kids are using now?

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As well as those who discourage fucking.

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I find your lack of faith refreshing.

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Koo koo ka choo.

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