Hannity is a sick fuck. The only mystery is how far he'll go before Faux cans his fat ass. Which might be pretty far, since all that matters to Faux is his ratings.
Yep, that should have never been thought of as good TV to Hannity, but he's a moron, so it happens. I wonder how much he listened before air, or if he just trusted his producers and said 'run with it'. I'm probably giving him too much credit, but there's always hope.
Too bad he wasn't available to speak at the NRA convention - I guess that's why they had to settle for Griftzilla. I'm sure he's a fucking hero to that crowd of morons.
Welp, thats easily the worst thing I've ever heard on this site.
I'm liberal enough not to want you put to death, you sick asshat, but I hope you live a long, long time in a prison full of the fear you "refused to live in".
I see both of what you did there. Nice in(ter)jection.
That must be why he didn't call the cops until Friday.
Might be pretty good, once you peel off the wrapping and expose the showroom finish.
Hannity is a sick fuck. The only mystery is how far he'll go before Faux cans his fat ass. Which might be pretty far, since all that matters to Faux is his ratings.
Yep, that should have never been thought of as good TV to Hannity, but he's a moron, so it happens. I wonder how much he listened before air, or if he just trusted his producers and said 'run with it'. I'm probably giving him too much credit, but there's always hope.
And he will.
The gates of hell await you, Byron Smith. May you burn with the screams of these children inside your head for fucking ever.
Too bad he wasn't available to speak at the NRA convention - I guess that's why they had to settle for Griftzilla. I'm sure he's a fucking hero to that crowd of morons.
I just figured out Smith's biggest mistake: the kids were white. What a dummy!
How could you take a cheap shot like that?
Wait'll somebody gets a chance to ask him if he knows one or two things about the Negro.
Welp, thats easily the worst thing I've ever heard on this site.
I'm liberal enough not to want you put to death, you sick asshat, but I hope you live a long, long time in a prison full of the fear you "refused to live in".
C'mon. Don't pop a blood vessel over it.
No. Just no.
He put six bullets into the girl. Any word from Wayne LaPierre (other than "waste of ammo") re this horrorshow?