Ignore 'em ... the fuckers haven't got the brainpower of a dead gerbil.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2013\/04\/17\/us\/in-grisly-image-a-father-sees-his-son.html\?hp" target="_blank">More on Bauman</a> in the NYT.

His family found out about it when they saw the picture. I really, really hope it was the cropped version. :(

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Good on hat guy for helping, but seriously, Gawker (and Wonkette, unless you're aiming for teh irony there, which is not altogether clear), "sexy"? I know there's no new info yet, but is this how we're going to fill the time?

Meanwhile that man in the wheelchair has had his trauma pasted all over the Internet.

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