My spouse and I played Warcraft and we both finally got disgusted with the disgusting vile talk. We were in pretty good guilds but it was tiresome. My spouse now plays GuildWars and enjoys that and has a nice group but there are still some unpleasant players abounding.
Thanks, and same to you and yours. It's just too easy for all of us (including myself), to make a snap judgment based on inadequate info and confirmation bias. I do melanoma research, and someone called me "racist" for pointing out that only 1% of melanoma patients, are black, so they're hard to include in clinical trials. I had to explain about PPDR, a DNA repair enzyme that is needed in Africa, but not in Scotland. I could have easily made a snap judgement about you based on your reply. I didn't because I don't kinow anything about you. You could be a brilliant Ph.D. Professor who just needed to let off a little steam at an Internet Rando target of opportunity. While I could ignore your reply, or (worse) descend into a flame war of mutual destruction, I try and keep the high road. If you now understand me a little better, and I understand you a little better, there were no losers, we both won.
Pretty sure that throwing away absentee ballots fraudulently obtained is against a number of laws anyway, regardless of the voting rights act. And the VRA wouldn't have prevented this in any case. But is there actually any way that this guy and his accessories will ever be prosecuted? This guy is really disgusting. And that's not to say that North Carolina shouldn't be permanently under a strong VRA. It absolutely should, along with South Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin and a number of other states, mostly, for some reason, Confederate ones.
And here we have another consequence of Citizens United. You throw millions of dollars at elections to help one political party always win, and people get lazy and stupid and figure they're going to win no matter what, resulting in geniuses like Dowless.
Texas proved they like to program voting machines to change votes made for "all democrats" to one republican because they know if they don't, that someone slimy and evil like Cruz will get beaten by someone who might actually be in or near the WH soon - because he proved himself to be worthy of that during the election that I sincerely believe was stolen from him because of election fraud.
Also: North Carolina elections need federal supervision. Sue to make this happen. Also Florida and Georgia.
thank you for clarifying. good yule, merry christmas and happy sundry holidays to you and those you care about.
We have got to sue the fuckers personally.
What? My dog, I shouldn’t have said anything the other day when Disgusting was actually working right.
My spouse and I played Warcraft and we both finally got disgusted with the disgusting vile talk. We were in pretty good guilds but it was tiresome. My spouse now plays GuildWars and enjoys that and has a nice group but there are still some unpleasant players abounding.
Well, we should allow him to vote on whether or not he gets parole, then throw his ballot into the trash in front of him.
Thanks, and same to you and yours. It's just too easy for all of us (including myself), to make a snap judgment based on inadequate info and confirmation bias. I do melanoma research, and someone called me "racist" for pointing out that only 1% of melanoma patients, are black, so they're hard to include in clinical trials. I had to explain about PPDR, a DNA repair enzyme that is needed in Africa, but not in Scotland. I could have easily made a snap judgement about you based on your reply. I didn't because I don't kinow anything about you. You could be a brilliant Ph.D. Professor who just needed to let off a little steam at an Internet Rando target of opportunity. While I could ignore your reply, or (worse) descend into a flame war of mutual destruction, I try and keep the high road. If you now understand me a little better, and I understand you a little better, there were no losers, we both won.
Pretty sure that throwing away absentee ballots fraudulently obtained is against a number of laws anyway, regardless of the voting rights act. And the VRA wouldn't have prevented this in any case. But is there actually any way that this guy and his accessories will ever be prosecuted? This guy is really disgusting. And that's not to say that North Carolina shouldn't be permanently under a strong VRA. It absolutely should, along with South Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin and a number of other states, mostly, for some reason, Confederate ones.
Probably a good things that's a former colleague.
And here we have another consequence of Citizens United. You throw millions of dollars at elections to help one political party always win, and people get lazy and stupid and figure they're going to win no matter what, resulting in geniuses like Dowless.
Yeah, but that Kerry guy who ran for President a few years ago wasn't really a war hero, so both sides do it.
Blah ink on blah paper for blah votes?
Well, the calls of LOCK HER UP! for Pelosi starts about five seconds after Congress refuses to seat this shitheel, er,Tarheel.
Fuck, from the way Trump & McConnell are stacking the courts, best escalate it straight to the UN.
I don't think "calling the manager" is gonna suffice here.
Uh - HELLO - Texasassistan - remember how there was magical auto-change to Cruz if you voted for all Dems in Texassistan?
You don't really think that Cruz actually won fair and square, do you?
Texas proved they like to program voting machines to change votes made for "all democrats" to one republican because they know if they don't, that someone slimy and evil like Cruz will get beaten by someone who might actually be in or near the WH soon - because he proved himself to be worthy of that during the election that I sincerely believe was stolen from him because of election fraud.