Stop up to PML sometime. 6000 yard course I go on about once a year. Electric carts, so really low center of gravity.

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For some reason, this made me think of the joke that ends "It's God, but he thinks he's Lombardi".

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Yeah, partly "defeated", partly "washed out".

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I'm not going to read the article, but is this suggesting that fundamentalist Islamism will exist as long as liberalism because we liberals will refuse to support exterminating all Muslims, or is it just a gratuitous slur?

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Actually, it wasn't awful to begin with.

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I'd be more impressed with Teddy calling golf a sissy game if he had somehow managed to arm some of the big game critters he liked to blow up. You know, to make it more sporting.

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But what is next year's running joke?

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"We left Michael Brown rotting in the sun so <strike> in the had one more voice after that shooting, and his voice was the detectives’ being able to do a </strike> the Ferguson police department will do a comprehensive job of convincing you that if you darkys so much as twitch a fucking finger we will cold gun you down in broad daylight and there's fuck all you can do about it.”

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The people who agree to pay back $439 for every dollar they borrow (because they can't/don't read/understand the contract) are the same people who buy lottery tickets, and for the same reason. They think odds of 110,000,000 to one are good because "somebody has to be the one."

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If Elizabeth Warren's idea about making post offices into banks ever had a shot at becoming reality, these places would go extinct so fast there wouldn't even be a stuffed one in a museum. That's why the idea is D.O.A., of course.

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My right-wing, golf-loving friend, after years of complaining about the adulation of Tiger Woods in the media, is now cock-a-hoop over their detailing of his latest disintegration. No connection, surely?

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Go home MoDo, you're <strike>drunk</strike> high


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<blockquote>“There are no other people to do it, so we decided to do it just to help save our country,” he said of himself and the other young men. They call themselves “the burial boys.”</blockquote> Sorry. After reading this I had to get up and walk away from the computer for a few minutes, go into the bathroom and splash cold water on my face while also struggling to catch my breath. I'm still trembling. This is the quote of the week (month, year...).

And yet pundits claim that there are no heroes anymore...

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There are grass fires. There are wildfires. And then there are conflagrations.

There is usury. There is loan sharking. And then there is payday lending.

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John Oliver mentioned on his recent show that Texas was one of the most aggressive states in cracking down on payday lending. He went on to describe how payday lending's business model made it incredibly difficult to regulate. But apparently TX was going after it harder than most.

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As I understand it, payday lending has no philosophical supporters anywhere on the political spectrum. Apparently just about everyone recognizes rip-off artists when they see them. The few people in public life who have spoken out in support of it were paid shills.

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