Wasn't "Bobby" Jindal in that episode too? I think it's the one where he got grounded for running a stop sign on his tricycle

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Greg's pretty cute too. Why hasn't Bamz denied an affair with him? Huh?

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Kelli looks like a ginger, which just goes to show no one can resist the ginger. Especially in Hawaii.

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'you really deserve better than clowns like us'

barry 1979 to barry 2013 re: republicans.

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I find it a tad banal. Are you sure it isn't a coded message to his Muslim Manchurian Demonic Overlords?

I think that much more likely.

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There is no way that handwriting came from a heterosexual, non-muslim, American, freedom-loving, capitalist high-school boy.

Thus proving, once and forever, that Obambi is a gay muslim kenyan tyrant commie.

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I for one await with baited breath (<i>blehhchy</i>, sorry, too much coffee this am) the totally-not-monstrously-overblown verdict of FauxSnooz on this latest earth shattering scandal involving our mooselimby, marxist, stali... [looks at watch while 15 seconds pass] ...erica-hating, girlfriend stealing current White House occupant.

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