Who among us doesn't keep fingernail clippings and jars of urine stored away just in case? I don't see what is so wrong about the George Washington impersonator's behavior. This is just three-dimensional scrapbooking, guys.
Oh yeah...what you smart asses don't know is that Fetus Jar Bush was the family member slated to become president. The only reason GWB ran and not FJB is that Karl Rove was afraid about how a fetus would poll with moderates.
Yeah...but if she took it to the hospital, it might have ended up next to Drew Barrymore's kids...and that simply is NOT a desirable neighborhood.
Conservatives aren't like us normal people, Prommie. They read the bible story about Abraham and Isaac, you know the one where dad almost guts and disembowels his son because the voice in his head told him to; and they're all like 'yeah I could see where I'd do that.' They're fucked up, deranged, whatever; but it DID happen buddy. It DID.
Is that the company which tells us that pickles are delivered by a <a href="http:\/\/t1.gstatic.com\/images\?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjjVsf-kQ-2KpUG-Um1IfJIHNcVn9XWSuoVPyys8pmipnQiBI&amp\;t=1&amp\;usg=__T-Qw3jZAyPkhGjXZLltAh-yHqo0=" target="_blank"> stork?</a>
If there&#039;s anything I would imagine that could turn a little boy gay, it would be his mother showing him a sibling&#039;s fetus in a jar. This story proves homosexuality is determined genetically.
Has Wonkette ever been served up a better story, on a platter, in a jar, or otherwise? I can see the &#039;oh shit, nooo wayyyyy&#039; look on our editor&#039;s face when this one came in.
Or at least, don&#039;t spare the formaldehyde.
musha ring dumma do damma da whack for the daddy &#039;ol whack for the daddy &#039;ol there&#039;s fetus in the jar!
Dammit, I KNEW I shoulda read everything before posting!
&quot;Preservation of Everything From Barb&#039;s HooHa&quot; probably explains why they kept little Georgie.
Who among us doesn&#039;t keep fingernail clippings and jars of urine stored away just in case? I don&#039;t see what is so wrong about the George Washington impersonator&#039;s behavior. This is just three-dimensional scrapbooking, guys.
Oh yeah...what you smart asses don&#039;t know is that Fetus Jar Bush was the family member slated to become president. The only reason GWB ran and not FJB is that Karl Rove was afraid about how a fetus would poll with moderates.
Yeah...but if she took it to the hospital, it might have ended up next to Drew Barrymore&#039;s kids...and that simply is NOT a desirable neighborhood.
Joke&#039;s on him.
W&#039;s mother is pretty outspokenly pro-choice, and so was his dad until he ran for president.
Conservatives aren&#039;t like us normal people, Prommie. They read the bible story about Abraham and Isaac, you know the one where dad almost guts and disembowels his son because the voice in his head told him to; and they&#039;re all like &#039;yeah I could see where I&#039;d do that.&#039; They&#039;re fucked up, deranged, whatever; but it DID happen buddy. It DID.
that&#039;s awful! (thumbs up)
Is that the company which tells us that pickles are delivered by a <a href="http:\/\/t1.gstatic.com\/images\?q=tbn:ANd9GcTjjVsf-kQ-2KpUG-Um1IfJIHNcVn9XWSuoVPyys8pmipnQiBI&amp\;t=1&amp\;usg=__T-Qw3jZAyPkhGjXZLltAh-yHqo0=" target="_blank"> stork?</a>
Yes it&#039;s terrible. And ordinarily private. Not because of squeamishness, but out of respect for the child or fetus or dreams that died.
If there&#039;s anything I would imagine that could turn a little boy gay, it would be his mother showing him a sibling&#039;s fetus in a jar. This story proves homosexuality is determined genetically.
Has Wonkette ever been served up a better story, on a platter, in a jar, or otherwise? I can see the &#039;oh shit, nooo wayyyyy&#039; look on our editor&#039;s face when this one came in.
LOL. I&#039;m gonna steal this one, and put it on my facebook page.
This is so disgusting I&#039;m actually going back to work. Hope you&#039;re happy, Wonkette.