And he couldn't keep his daughter from popping every pill she could get her hands on or his kid from stalking the fuck out of his girlfriend.

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Wow---what an idiot--thx for the link. Old-fashioned shame was responsible for a lot of child abuse and sure-enough infanticide back in the day. I speak as a person who was in my thirties before I found out certain family secrets which explained a lot of dysfunction. I still have cousins who don't know the true identity of their grandparents.

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Just because technology has advanced significantly in the last few hundred years is no reason to reinterpret the constitution, buddy. Then we might have to examine the fact that the Founders would maybe be horrified by the technological marvels one can purchase at the corner gun shop, based on the amendment they put in to make sure there were enough muskets and men to fire them if the British kept screwing with them.

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This must be more of that Small Government stuff I hear so much about.

God help us if we elect someone like him. If we do, as I said about last year's midterm, then we as a nation deserve everything we get as a result.

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Like a lot of states, it's a great place to leave.

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The "So Happy to Be Left Behind Party!" is gonna be fucking awesome! Is it too soon to fire up the BBQ? Who's bringing potato salad, cuz I want to make sure it has bacon?

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They've already given temporary custody to her anti-abortion brother and sister-in-law.

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As an atheist, I swear he'd win my undying devotion if he would just rid us of these turbulent fuckwads.

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Hmmm... This must be that creeping Sharia we're all supposed to be panicking about, right?

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Sadly, yes.

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To this crowd the incubator committed a crime. *The incubator.*

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Idaho http://www.npr.org/template...

Indiana http://www.wncn.com/story/2...

Wisconsin is about to enact some fun new legislation, too. Whatever you were going to invest in clothes hangers, triple it.

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The legislation in those states was probably funded by the Canadian abortion pill makers!

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"Small government" is just short hand for "small-minded government" -- it's less confusing when you understand that's what they're really saying

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So, is there a legal defense fund I can donate to? 'Cause she needs a Shark with sharp pointy teeth.

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Sheesus. O.o

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