The fact that I could do that mumbojumbo pretty well as a 25 year old let me into the world where you just had to work computers and machines. Thinking about where you would be in five minutes at 1100 knots took a bit more time, computers or not. What a trip, glad I survived!And no, I think those skills are gone in airplanes at least.
I disagree, but unless you do a lot of federal civil or federal appellate work, you might not be used to arguing based upon multiple opinions - at least in my state, the state courts rarely have dissenting opinions - sometimes they rarely issue opinions (and the state courts here hate citing precedent)
But even with a clear majority, a dissent can still sufficient doubt or the prospect of future issues to the the majority to try to limit the holding some - for people who have to actually argue based upon federal law they're much more important than you realize - and it's much better than trying to argue state law here where you don't get much opinion
“I think a lot of our members are going to have very serious concerns."
Oh FFS, Susan Collins moved to Virginia and took a second job? Hope she doesn't choke and die clutching her pearls while she does whatever her party orders her to do.
That concept was in my Environmental Science textbook in high school. In 1979.
The best way to convince businesses and corporations to stop polluting, start recycling and adopt green technology is to show them how much money they would save by doing it, as well as the good PR it would bring them. It did not, however, expect that a lot of corporations and industries would just simply say, "Nah, we'd just rather keep polluting, because fuck you ya tree-hugging hippies!"
I was used to using my extra plastic bags as garbage bags and I still do, except now they cost a nickel.
even granted that people are tired and broken, we can't let the dark side get the better of us.
one thing that I forced myself to learn during the pandemic is to not engage with a news item when my temples start throbbing with rage.
Patently false!
They all have been raptured. Their god left the losers behind, hence your emails.
it's good for one's mental as well as physical wellbeing, also, too.
That answers it!
St. Louis was NL, back in the day. Washington, AL.
The fact that I could do that mumbojumbo pretty well as a 25 year old let me into the world where you just had to work computers and machines. Thinking about where you would be in five minutes at 1100 knots took a bit more time, computers or not. What a trip, glad I survived!And no, I think those skills are gone in airplanes at least.
I disagree, but unless you do a lot of federal civil or federal appellate work, you might not be used to arguing based upon multiple opinions - at least in my state, the state courts rarely have dissenting opinions - sometimes they rarely issue opinions (and the state courts here hate citing precedent)
But even with a clear majority, a dissent can still sufficient doubt or the prospect of future issues to the the majority to try to limit the holding some - for people who have to actually argue based upon federal law they're much more important than you realize - and it's much better than trying to argue state law here where you don't get much opinion
Why I stick to federal court
“I think a lot of our members are going to have very serious concerns."
Oh FFS, Susan Collins moved to Virginia and took a second job? Hope she doesn't choke and die clutching her pearls while she does whatever her party orders her to do.
That concept was in my Environmental Science textbook in high school. In 1979.
The best way to convince businesses and corporations to stop polluting, start recycling and adopt green technology is to show them how much money they would save by doing it, as well as the good PR it would bring them. It did not, however, expect that a lot of corporations and industries would just simply say, "Nah, we'd just rather keep polluting, because fuck you ya tree-hugging hippies!"
Republicans polling better than Democrats on the economy remains baffling to me.
Its safe word is "Appomattox."
I hope the white suburban Moms who voted for Youngkin because they were worried their kids would be turned Black enjoy the roll backs.
And my beloved Bunneh, Dawn.
Binky Free, my darling Stealth Ninja Assassin Bunneh.
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