CHARACTER COUNTS! Just ask Pete Domenici.

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Is this related to the Shocker?

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"In league with homosexual activists"??? Even for these brainless twits, the cognitive dissonance should be head-exploding.

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What the fuck is a "corporate elite"?

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Let's try the Wayne LaPierre formula here: The only solution for a gay boy with an erect penis is a closeted gay homophobe with a baseball bat.

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I'm pretty sure you have to use grizzly wine coolers.

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There's that old racist joke about the Native American manhood ritual involving three teepees, a barrel of whisky, a mountain lion, and a beautiful maiden...

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Such delusions these people have. When I was a Scout (60s England), there was much mutual masturbation in the tents after lights out. Most of us, I think, were desperate to know what it felt like to have someone else handle your junk, and couldn't persuade any girls to do it. Odds are, some were gay. I neither knew nor cared, and still don't.

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I've often wondered if this douchenozzle has embarked upon his anti-gay crusade just so people won't confuse him with Anthony Perkins. "yes I'm Tony Perkins- but I'm not gay!! And, yes, there IS something wrong with that!"

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Boy Scout founder Robert Baden-Powell was alleged to have been a repressed gay so this fits perfectly.

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A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent, and FABULOUS!

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Oh, and the Scout Oath:

On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and <i><b>morally straight</i></b>.

(emphasis added)

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Bristol libel!

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Funny how the Right has no problem with corporate elites imposing their views if they are named Koch, but if they oppose Boy Scout discrimination, look out.

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