So I have checked the polls published in the last 8 days. They're quite confusing since we're not sure whether they've taken into account the alliance between LREM and the MODEM. As for the seat projections, only Opinionway and Kantar-Sofres offer them. And they're to be taken with a big pinch of salt.

All I can say for sure is that I'm kind of sad about the Socialist Party. What a spectacular collapse.

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He needs to be told in no uncertain terms what the world thinks of him, yep.

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Nan. Melenchon nous saoule avec son "ni-ni" (moi en tant que renoi cette position me gonfle, sur moi elle aura plus d'impact que le patronat) et son programme économique non merci.

David, enfin.

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Macron is also very good with gender and racial diversity, gay rights and a lot of other subjects. And Mélenchon (which I was warm to) refused to call for the Macron vote on the night of his loss for political calculations (that were harebrained since is support is falling in the polls for the législatives).

Some of us french POC remember and don't fucking forgive his "finasseries" in this regards.

I'll take Macron anyday over that barking overrated populist now.

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[Dreaming....] Jeffery has two dads - Emmanuel and Justin .....Sigh.

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The thematic in France is that Macron is working for "La Finance".

he is a center left politician, certainly not sold more to private interests that Jospin or Hollande were. Surely less right wing than Strauss-Kahn, our own rapist-in-chief.

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C'est pas comme si il y avait eu un risque réel de voir Marine passer. Tout le hype entre les deux tours c'était pipo bimbo. A l'arrivée ce qui compte c'est que Marine n'a fait que 10 millions et demi de voix alors qu'elle se voyait à 12 ou 13. Dans l'histoire électorale du FN c'est ça qui restera bien plus que de savoir si elle a fait 34 ou 38%. Donc que Macron passe avec 16, 18 ou 20 millions c'était gratuit, de toute façon il n'y avait pas photo.

D'autre part c'est parce que Mélenchon réhabilite le vote protestataire de gauche que des électeurs tentés par le rejet du système peuvent s'exprimer sans donner leur voix à l'immonde. Sans Mélenchon Marine faisait 30% au premier tour.

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I know, I've seen that spin on him. But regardless of who's working for what bank, left-wing in the US and left-wing in the EU don't mean the same thing. People just think they do because they don't realize how far to the right the Overton window in the US has shifted. If there's a serious politician in a major European party who's genuinely arguing that only the morally deserving should eat and have health care, I haven't heard any of their stump speeches.

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None of those seat projections are based on anything like serious data. Based on the first turn of the presidential election it's a safe bet that the FN candidate will finish first in the first round in at least 150 circonscriptions, and I don't see how they can win less than 25 to 30, possibly many more, in circonscriptions where Le Pen had close to 50%. That 10 to 15 seats projected by OpinionWay strikes me as extremely amateurish, and I haven't seen any projections by the serious players so far.

But again, it's a safe bet that the entire CAC40 is rooting for a Macron majority, so that's the soup they serve on TV and in the billionaire press. Fairly transparent attempt at self-fulfilling prophecy.

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But you claimed he was left of Bernie. That list of moves doesn't strike me as left of Bernie.

In addition you forgot break up the unions, deregulate the labour laws (Code du travail), and untax capital gains.

And as far as healthcare is concerned, there is support and "support". Macron supports healthcare like Trump supports free speech.

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Have you checked on Bernie lately? He's been going around telling women they need to shut up about their reproductive rights so we can get more votes from old white men. He's anti-gun-regulations. He doesn't want to discuss racism. He's got a lot of left-wing ideas, sure, but they're ideas that are radical left-wing for America, like everyone should have health care.

I haven't read up on Macron's health care policy, but if he's not going around telling women that the white man vote is more important than their control over their bodies, he's to Bernie's left. I have no doubt that Macron has a lot of corporatist policies, but in 2017 America there is nothing BUT corporatist policies and most of them are deliberately calculated to keep the population poor, desperate, and pig-ignorant, so count your blessings if your representatives still live in the Enlightenment.

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That is what happens if a country has a winner takes all election method but the people want a more representative system.

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Oh damn. Absolute majority is never a good thing. Oh well, it is still tons better than the Nazis winning.

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My representatives live in the Roman Empire. There is one set of rules and courts for the rabble, and another one for the connected.

Macron strikes me as inordinately self-centred and narcissistic even for a politician, and pragmatic to the point of lacking any moral compass. Spin is his alpha and omega. He also strikes me as extraordinarily shallow and lacking in mettle. God help France if we ever face a real crisis.

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France just faced a real crisis - the same one that cost the US its position in the world and inflicted incalculable, probably irreparable damage to our country. Macron and his campaign batted it away like a mosquito. Whatever you dislike about him, and you're certainly not obliged to like any politician, you don't have President Le Pen right now, and part of that is to Macron's credit.

We'll give you Bernie if you really want to trade for Macron, though. We'll pay for postage and everything.

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You know I should run in the 2020 race under the False Equivalency party. It's certainly has a lot of supporters.

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