Were you paying attention to the world since the last election? Because there were 62 million people who voted for a sexual predator grifter. Men and women who believed this guy over the woman who was more intelligent and would have been better prepared to deal with the world. I suggest you look at the reality of the situation instead of looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. These people aren't very nice and they are still willing to support this man. And that isn't painting people with a brush. That is just stating a fact. Perhaps you are lucky enough not to know any Trump supporters-if so, you are lucky. But there are many of us who have to live, work and worship with people who are like this.

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I’m not super worried about Wonkette readers :)

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Is it possibly mad cow disease? Because cooking steak well done won’t get rid of prions. I know, tertiary syphilis is more likely, but I think we need to open up the hood and take a look to see if there are any holes.

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One of the wettest brains we've ever seen, from the standpoint of wet brain.

And he's managed to get there without consuming alcohol. Amazing.

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"He is his party and his party is him." How I long to see ads of every kind with this simple message to make sure that no GOPer can squirm out of this endless stupidity and incompetence that is actually making me disbelieve that a perpetual motion machine is against the laws of physics.

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A malignant seed that landed in a meteor from System Stupid?

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You could even lock him in a room for the rest of his life with an old two-dollar paperback porno novel and he wouldn't read it. His attention span wouldn't be equal to the job. Neither would his reading skills.

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Unfortunately we remember what happened to Ned.

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That would be Simba, the youngest bottle-fed orange love bug/monster who I share custody with a friend; I get him for a week and she gets him for a week. Eventually, she will get him full time, I just helped raise him because she works outside home and I work from home.

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Slainte, amigo!

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Also a great day for Irish-type people who live in New Mexico (where the party goes on for a week).

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Bast bless you. Who's the half cat?

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Contest host walks in to center ring.Microphone lowers from the center ring.

Ladies and Germs, you are in for a real treat tonight. We have a yooge bigly spectacular event for you.This person is self described as a stable genius. applauseThis person is self described as having the best words. applauseThis person is self described as having the best memory. applause

Wait no longer, I give to you Donaaaaald Jaaaaay Truuump whistles and applause

Donald J Trump walks in.


And there you have it folks the biglyiest yooogest predisent loser of all time.

Chessus Crust he should not be allowed in front of a camera and microphone.

PS: I hope the link posted properly. If not click on the link in the main article by Evan

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Huh. My sister's birthday. Maybe he can text her Happy Birthday! She'd LOVE that. (no, she wouldn't)

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I am! I am!! Early voting starts next month here - I've already checked!!

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