
Pence, decoded: "I am a Christian a Conservative and a Republican in that order."

Theofascist White Supremacist gutless Traitor swimming in pig shit

I hope this has been helpful to the confused. It ought to run as a chyron beneath every fawning TV show featuring unpaid advertising (so-called "news") any of the candidates in this primary, this bag of ordure in particular.

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The clowns are gathering for the first race to the bottom of 2024.

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Any Republican debate needs to start with the question “why should any Republican vote for you instead of Trump or are you just hoping he dies before the convention?”

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If you have a debate but nobody on the debate stage has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the primary, what is the fucking point?

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If you are putting on a boxing match between a pro and a can of tomatoes, you soften up the audience first with some low comedy, a slapfight between guys wearing red rubber noses.

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Donnie's bully (bullying) pulpit.

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And then all the Democratic politicians they had on these shows were allowed to make cogent arguments and brilliant points. The end

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>> "PENCE: Look, look, I'm a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order."

Not mentioned: human, American, father.

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Honesty by omission? Or does he really have that much self-awareness?

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"Yes, it turns out that the main impediment to DeSantis' national ambitions is that Ron DeSantis sucks, and getting to know him only makes the full extent of his suckitude more obvious, not less. " https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/14/2187167/-Florida-Republicans-predicted-the-DeSantis-flameout

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"Still, though, you have to almost admire how DeSantis has managed to become hated in a state party filled with almost cartoonishly hateable people."

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it is his signature achievement

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>>> Mike Pence, caught off-guard by someone who ACTUALLY read his book, decided to try to blame the media for his own contradiction.

Gold. Solid gold.

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Solid Republican. Solid South. Solid head.

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Debates are such a waste of time. Case in point jr vs Gore. Gore mopped the floor with that cretin yet the next day media was falling all over itself to declare jr the winner.

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Without a vice-presidential debate, we never would have met that poor fly who got Mike Pence stuck to his ass.

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STILL a better candidate than any who will disgrace the debate stage.

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High comedy was the only thing the debates were good for. That and providing Wonkette with plenty of snarkable material. I fear this year will be more tedious than amusing.

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Our reliable Liberal Media never stops trying to shine these turds, perhaps unaware of just how unbearably tedious this is.

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Good point!

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Mostly agreed. Ever since Nixon got killed by Kennedy, the handlers have worked their asses off to make these things about as safe as a D-list awards show.

Why I partially disagree: two reasons.

1. For some voters, it is a real (maybe first!) chance to form an impression of the candidates. Yup, democracy has many warts, and one of the big ones is that some people are not as well-informed as we would like them to be.

2. There have been some absolutely delicious moments that have righteously buried candidates who deserved it. "A noun, a verb, and 9/11," as Michael Mora mentioned, was one. So was "Senator, I worked for John Kennedy [...] You're no John Kennedy." So was the own goal of Admiral What's-His-Name: "Who am I? What am I doing here?" which poured a nice bucket of water on Ross Perot.

In conclusion, don't watch. I sure won't. I'll just read the Wonkette liveblog. Job done!

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I don’t even think the 8/23 debate will be worth a live blog. Evan can probably write it up the next day with appropriate clips from Acyn or Aaron Rupar if anything of significance happens. (Also, how do those 2 guys manage to watch and comment on every damn thing?! Do they ever sleep?)

Also, I watched the first Gore v Bush debate, and I remember thinking to myself at the time that Gore should stop sighing so much. Yes, Bush was obviously A Idiot, but the sighing was a distraction.

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I remember everyone on the planet talking *about* the sighing. I watched that debate (prob one of the last ones I ever did) and I never noticed it. fwiw. Granted, I was already completely so anti-W by that point that I might well have drowned out Al's sighs with my own.

As to whether the 8/23 debate will be worth anything, I sure wouldn't bet against your prediction. These days, even ne'er-will-be politicians are well-schooled in how to stick to the talking points. So, it's going to be, basically, a contest of who can mention hUnTeR'S lApToP the most, while retaining enough saliva to give Trump the tongue-bathing that the base will demand.

But! I have a few faint hopes; e.g., Chris Christie will get someone tied into enough of a knot that there will be nothing else that anyone talks about on 8/24.

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I was also very anti-W, particularly since I lived in Texas during his time as governor. But Gore’s constant sighing was something I noticed on my own as a distraction, not something I needed pundits to bring up later.

It was sort of similar to when I hosted a debate-watching party at my home for the 2nd Clinton v Trump debate, and my friends and I kept stopping the DVR to yell at TFG to stop stalking Hillary around the stage. Although I guess fewer people were upset about that.

Bottom line is that if TFG doesn’t show up, I’d guess that the only interesting parts of the debate will be Christie attacking TFG and his supporters on the stage.

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Forgot about that Trump show/no-show aspect before. I don't think he will show up -- he loves attention, but only from fawning audiences. And if he doesn't zip his yap pretty soon, maybe he'll be in jail!

Ah, dreams ...

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I agree he likely won’t show up - what’s the point when he has such a lead in the GQP polls? - but he’s unpredictable. He might feel the need to “defend himself,” in which case he will likely violate ALL the protective orders.

If I were representing TFG (which I would never), I’d tranq him before I ever let him get on a debate stage.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

Repubs are always so ready to offer advice to Democrats, so I'd like to return the favor. Larry Elder. His website is still up, asking for donations for his 2024 presidential campaign. You're welcome.

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All the decent grifters are running this year.

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The lack of serious candidates (Money, national organization, chance in hell, money, party backing, money) is striking. DeSantis is the only 'serious' one going. The party basically abandoned the race to TFG. There are always some vanity/grifter candidates but this time that is all there is.

Waiting for 2028 I guess?

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It's a sad day when Little Ronnie is considered a "serious" candidate. He's all of Trump's blowhard and ass-kissing to "the base" except that he's not a showman. That's gonna hurt him.

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They’re courageously waiting for Trump to die so they can courageously not have to deal with him.

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"caught off-guard by someone who ACTUALLY read his book"


that would be unnerving, especially since he may not know what's in it himself

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the only one who can debate and is passable as a debater is also at the bottom of the field.

this is going to be excruciating gish galloping interrupted by yelling.

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I can't imagine actually watching this shit. I'll let poor bastards like Mr. Mora do that for me, thanks very much.

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yeah, no. not even the transcripts.

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Mike Pence is a hypocrite, an ass-kisser, and a Fascist, in that order.

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