wait! why are we listening to republicans about anything, especially foreign policy.


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So we've made substantial progress on disarming Syria of their chemical weapons and now we're about to diminish Iran's nuclear program- all without firing a shot or putting US troops at risk

It's a damn shame Obummer's second term has been such an abject failure...

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I want to know why the NRA Gun Nuts™ Official Position® On Sweet Deadly Weaponry© doesn't seem to apply to those really cool guns* that Iran wants?

I mean, it is just simple logic that "More Guns means More Politeness," with EVERYONE having nukes, then everyone on earth would start being as polite as possible. June Cleaver Geisha Stepford Suzanne Venkers, all of us! You'd think that would be the goal, right?

I mean, why does their argument "weaponry for all is great" just falls right over, all of a sudden, when you scale it up a little tad? It can't be due to something like "it's a shit argument," or anything.

I shouldn't be asking things like that, it surely doesn't help me decide which kind of person I am.

*<i>Guns which shoot big nuclear bullets</i>

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Don't worry, the RWNJs will be OK with this- they'll just give credit for the deal to Zombie Reagan so it's all good. Besides, we can always invent a new pretense for bombing Iran into the stone age any time we want.

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What, you're pulling out the actual history card now? Racist!

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Have you <i>seen</i> that ass?

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He meant to say <i>a</i> kind of asshole.

You see, there are many kinds of assholes: big ones, small ones, fat ones, thin ones, ones that look like Sara Palin, ones that look like John Cornyn.

John Cornyn is one of the <i>big</i> ones.

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Does that mean that we'll only have more AbFab reunion specials if the mullahs agree?

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The only answer to a bad, 3rd-world, theo-fascist pariah state with a nuke is a...

Aw, fuck it.

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Well, Iran and <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/527346\/your-official-wonkette-editorial-policy-on-syria-is-here-and-we-regret-to-inform-you-it-involves-talking-about-louie-gohmert" target="_blank">Syria</a> are good buddies, I guess.

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What if Iran gets The Anvil, YOU STUPID AMERICANS!?

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Is Netanyahu related to Dick Cheney? They seem to have a lot in common.

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And to reiterate: John Cornyn is kind of an asshole and deserving of mockery.

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Actually, it's great news for John Bolton. He gets to appear on all the Fox News shows arglebargling about how this is a terrible deal and please execute Obama for treason already.

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I'm just happy it isn't a nukular deal.

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