I would like to let everyone know that, according to Wikipedia, Pat Robertson is still dead.

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That's a helpful reminder, thank you.

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As a non-theist, I take deep offense at theists -- to be quite specific, christian theists, who seem to believe that they alone have cornered the market on moral, ethical behavior completely due to their particular brand of sky fairy. It has never crossed my mind to either do the heinous things this cretin dreamt up in his fantasy, nor to justify anyone else doing same to another human being. It doesn't require the creation of a principal in the sky for me to not do such acts.

Believe what helps you get through the day and night. Just don't force ME to have to believe it, too. And while you're at it, remember that it was your god who said, "Love thy neighbor."

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Here is a book that one may judge by its cover—and then ponder how a book metaphor can apply to a prime example of uneducated deplorable.


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I bet this dude's fucked a Mallard

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"Now, it is hardly shocking that, following the success of movies like The Sound of Freedom, which depicted the entirely made-up adventures of accused sexual harasser Tim Ballard, more people are making higher budget movies meant to pander to the far Right."

I mean, weren't there a bunch of 'sold out' showings of Sound of Freedom to completely empty theatres? Like all the tickets were sold but nobody showed up? Cuz that stinks of astro-turfing and not real success. It's no Barbie movie.

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You have to admit, that trailer makes Phil Robertson look like a piece of shit: a drunk, violent asshole. After that, his racism and homophobia are hardly necessary to make you decide, “As god is my witness, I’m never gonna buy one of his f*cking duckwhistles.”

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"one of his f*cking duckwhistles"

Read that initially as "dickwhistle," realized my mistake, but decided everything was still right with the world.

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..or one of his ducking fuckwhistles, by gum.

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Horrible diseases, like Covid, and even mere influenza, tend to follow dangerous conduct like breathing. Other horrible diseases are spread by bad drains and inefficient sewerage. In fact , they have probably killed far more people than STDs ever did. Nevertheless, I never heard any religious ranter say that bad drains and inefficient sewerage were sinful and led to divine punishment.

Those aren't their obsessions, of course. Sex is their obsession.

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Are they going to show how he and his kin used to dress like frat bro country club dickheads, all clean-shaven and polo'd out? That was of course before they realized rubes would eat out ass of a show about fake fuckin' rednecks all day every day.

Yeah, didn't think so.

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Maybe it was always true, but there is currently a bumper crop of folk of this ilk. How many Ivy league edjamacated grifters are there in congress assumin' a down-home folk, corn pone identity, just like Larry the Cable Guy. Get'er dun.

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JFC. When we were 16, a girlfriend of mine, her two younger brothers, mother, and grandmother were all murdered by her devoutly Lutheran father. She wanted to be an actress, and his rationale was that he was saving her from a life of sin. He lived another 18 years under an assumed name until he was caught, still confident that God would forgive him.

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One of the many varied ways that religion kills. Sorry for that experience. I have several horror tales from my former community.

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Duck Dynasty is being rerun on some channel I never watch. I suppose they are teeing people up to watch this bio-pic but really why would anyone want to make a movie about such a shithole person as Robertson?

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Because people who share his views will watch it.

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"it seems they kind of disappeared around then as well."

i won't bother to check but i'd suspect their goofball beardy weirdy schtick once again vanished when it was no longer needed for pandering purposes and they went back to being their original polo-shirt-tucked-into-khaki-shorts-and-boat-shoes frat bro look?

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Those beards always smell like last Sundays Rancher Omelet from Waffle House.

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Ta, Robyn. I'm so very glad that never have I seen Duck Dynasty.

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A hillbilly clan fortune based on whistles that make fart sounds.

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Nope. Fuck that guy.

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