Fat-bottom girls, they make the rockin' world go round!

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This I know, but if it ever finds out you compared it to the interviewee above, it'll eat your grandmother.

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She makes me want to switch teams.

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They could put her in an electrified fence with the all the young men in her town. Drop in some food. And eventually they'd die out because, really, who would want to.

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now that's one pig that doesn't deserve to turn around.

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OK, but you should probably stay out of this woman's neighborhood.

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Double face palm.

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I wouldn't mind seeing them deconstructed.

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal libel!

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Particularly difficult to fap to, isn't it?

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It has to b e said....

You know who else built fenced-in camps and put gay and lesbian people in them?

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Geeze, I'll assume she and her pastor are the real victims here. <i>They</i> are the ones suffering, just because they wanted to put teh gheyz in concentration camps and let them die. And who isn't for that? I mean, gay agenda and all. Let's show some compassion here folks.

@V572: <i>By the way, how do people in Alabama and certain counties of Kentucky, and other places where you can't buy liquor on Sunday, or at all, make it through the weekend, or their lives? </i> Meth. But it's not just for weekends (when you can't by booze) anymore. It's a lifestyle.

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I love how she patiently tries to explain to Anderson how men can't reproduce with men, and women with women. It's so obvious, Anderson.

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Aaaand there you have America. Dobbs help us all.

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<i>So</i> - they take a lot of naps.

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