Don't coddle him.

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In 1975, the government of Australia shut down. The queen fired everyone. <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.c..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp...">http://www.washingtonpost.c...

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Capture the lot of them what been fucktussling and send them to gitmo and let them fucktussle with the turrist what relax there for a while in that barrycade,tell em once they is re-elected then we can votes to shut it down

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How about bitcoins? Asking for a friend....

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Good? I'd say your quite eggceptional!

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I would suggest that hitting oneself in the face with a hammer is not nearly as effective as dragging ones face through a bag full of hammers!

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Apparently you and I have two different understandings about "getting hammered."

Or, maybe not.

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I'm going with Orange Judas because Boner has betrayed his country to keep his position as Speaker of the House. He could have made a stand for what is right and been remembered for doing the right thing.

Instead he decided to remain a little tin god on his little tin mountain.

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Was thinking more along the lines of "OK, Boehner, bend over!"

But yours is good, too

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Where did we put that hammer? I know where I'd <i>like</i> to put it.

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Chinese exceptionalism!

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I hate you Gary, you tool. I'd never clicked on "Dead Breitbart" before, but then I did, and the comments section drew me like a drug, and . . . give me the fucking hammer.

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Fukuppy is not a Japanese mascot. Fukuppy is the definition of the Teahadist stranglehold on the whole country. We are completely fuk'upped.

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The government and economy are going to shut down like an imaginary Republican uterus.

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