No one says give him everything he wants, but your "lets punish everyone to deny Trump any kind of win" thing is going to hurt a lot of people. Shutdowns are fucking stupid and hurt people. Also Chuck and Nancy told him no money for the wall and offered him 2 options that he can go with, neither of which involve any dollars for a wall.

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Hey Doc and com-padres what caused this in the first place? I would liked to read one article explaining why the North Carolina decided to look at this election. I've heard why there are serious allegations, but what made them do it? Whom or what made them motivated them to take action to look into it. There's a 100 donation if you write why.

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The vote-stealing was so blindingly blatant and comically inept that the Rethugnican worthies of Bladen County feared they would lose the respect of their children, seeing as how they had become the laughing-stock of the Interwebs and the snarking busybodies of such sites as Wonkette, standing forth as a beacon of Truth in this Age of Alternacy.And it surely didn't hurt when the apologists realized that there was no way possible to blame Democrats, Hillary, or her e-mails. Ira Glass helped too, although it has taken a while for what he found when he turned that rock over to become generally known. He is a national treasure.

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Whoops-- my reply is below, SpudRaider.

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They can work voluntarily...

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Nope. I do not think so. Social Security checks go out on time. If they could change *that* then this shutdown shit would be less popular.

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I agree. Only those people who have put their bodies on the line for the future of America should vote. If you have not actually given birth, you should STFU and not vote. I support this plan.

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You know the Russians have shit on him and with every tweet I decrease the age of the boy he is filmed fucking. Although now I am down to six so soon it will be impossible to go lower.

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This is not at all what I said. Spare me any further of your pearls of wisdom.

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Pensions don’t though, like the military pensions or government worker pensions.

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Nevil Shute proposed something with an Ozzy twist in his novel "In The Wet."

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And if that pass doesn't connect, the next play will the "Blitzen."

-- Coach Santa

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The fricassée of fraud, the tort tart, the purée of peccancy

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If that's what it takes I'm good with it.

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'The Trump shutdown is something that can be avoided'And that's why President Skunk Tinkles will do his level best to shut it down. That'll show her!

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