I remember when Beruff said we should ban everyone from the Middle East and called Obama "an animal" while refusing to apologize for it.

He's our very own Donald Trump.

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Murphy is too bland and centrist to beat Rubio.

Sad, but Florida.

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Very well said.

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We already have Florida Men and Women everywhere. And Lord Voldemort for a Governor. Did we really need our own imitation Trump?

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The people I know can be divided into 2 main groups. Those with problems who work to solve them (and occasionally do), and those with a never ending series of problems that seem to get worse and worse and claim everything happens because God wills it. And in every case, the 2nd group looks down on the 1st.

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Perhaps it's because God has personally informed them. I'm meeting more and more people lately who claim they speak to him all the time. Eating lunch with these folks isn't too bad if you can just get them to talk about the old days before they were saved. Some of the stories are pretty funny and relatable.

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Yeah, they're assholes but who isn't?

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Did you read that the dirtbag Conservative Party appropriated the photo to use for nefarious purposes....an anti Trudeau attack ad!

I hope the photographer sues the *ehem* C.C.R.A.P out of them for tampering with her intellectual property.


Original photo:

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Yeah, it was Trudeau's accidental photo bombing image of a wedding on a beach that they used, but the wedding photographer served the Conservative Party with a cease and desist order, so it has been taken down now.Funny how whatever happens, conservatives can't seem to follow the law and purchase the publishing rights to a photo or performance rights to use popular music. One would think that a handicap like that would be a detriment when trying to run a country, wouldn't one.


After being harangued by their advisers, the three would-be Conservative leaders showed up at the Toronto Gay Pride Parade carrying signs which read, "Because it is the current year." Taking the piss at Trudeau's answer "Because it is 2015, when asked why he had gender parity in his cabinet.

Oh, well, after a decade of same sex marriage in Canada, seventy percent of all Canadians support it, and the numbers are slowly growing. The thirty percent hold outs are, no doubt, the diminishing Conservative supporters. And all you can say about the Conservative base is that they are so ... well ... base!

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The world looked brighter to Marco once he escaped Donald's armpit.

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So she can have a place to live indoors if she decides not to be a lesbian?

Yeah, coming from a man who swore an oath to stay in Illinois, I am not buying this, but if it were true fuck him anyway because daughter. And in my case, bisexual daughter, and I don't know how you do that to your child who's not hurting anyone, but seriously, fuck him.

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A view from Ground Zero:

Until recently, the airwaves were flooded with Carlos Beruff ads in which he did a fairly convincing Donald Trump impression utilizing the same lies, distortions and outright bullshit as The Donminee.

Then Rubio sidled back into the race with the same grace and poise he displayed while grabbing blindly at a water bottle. Suddenly, Beruff has as good as disappeared, teevee-wise, except as the target of Rubio ads dissing him as a "Charlie Christ-Republican."

My guess (and it would irresponsible not to speculate) is that Beruff, like The Donald and most real estate developers (especially in Florida) is All Show and No Dough and as soon as the Koch Bros. put up the real money, he couldn't compete. Damn those onions, here I am crying minuscule tears whilst and at the same time playing the world's tiniest violin.

That said, and granted that if it has to be a Republican, dimbulb, shallow, lazy, awkward Marco would do less damage, I think we can pick up a Senate seat here, assuming that Democrats don't stage a massive write-in vote for Charlie Christ.

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I used to think that Carl Hiaasen exaggerated certain aspects of his novels for comedic effect.

Then circumstances forced me to move to Florida.

I now know that he is a master of infinitely subtle understatement.

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Upvote for "The Donminee."

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Cthulhu's Knackers, that's a boner-killing picture.

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Giuliani is barfing all over the Sunday talk shows again this week. Any speculation about what cabinet position Trump has promised him? He must have it in writing because Noun/Verb/911 doesn't do anything for free.

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