Our local paper several years ago featured a piece by a regular columnist, an elderly man who wrote about his daughter's wedding- to another woman. It was a beautiful, touching column and I'll bet more than few small-town heads exploded.

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<i>is this just math you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better?</i>


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The newspaper was going to lose those 15 customers because they all married their cousins or sisters, which to those folks was a big event.

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Derp, derp, derp, TEH GHEYS!!1!, derp [click]

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as long as you don't cross your pony- NEVER cross your pony!!!

(sorry Dok, I left that one hanging as long as I could)

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<blockquote>However, any decent newspaper with a backbone can not base decisions on whether to cover a story based on whether the story will make people angry.</blockquote>

He'd never make it among the Beltway elite.

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Can I vote for this guy somewhere? I mean, c'mon..

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Gotta love the backwards thinking of these rednecks "if we just don't talk about it, it doesn't exist" Good for Cegielski for rubbing their noses in it...

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did you forget to dot your pony?

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Huzzah!_I'm going to gay marry my cat in honor the newlyweds.

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