Watching this'll make you less embarrassed for the human race: <a href="http://vimeo.com/52711779" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://vimeo.com/52711779">http://vimeo.com/52711779</a>

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Of course. Meant to relate them (the creche and slavery) has issues that cannot be compromised on.

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Has the world ended yet? Because if I've already died and gone to heaven, it really sucks up here.

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Aren't we going to live-blog Wayne LaP's loony presentation?

He's pretending to be anguished. It's rather poignant.

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A protester photobombed him with a banner saying "NRA is killing our children" and was promptly ousted.

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"The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

So true! The <i>ONLY</i> way!

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2nd Amendment, obvs. It doesn't exclude the bad.

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Wayne LaPee says we're spending all our moniez on foreign aid, and it leaves none for TSA in the schools.

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HuffPo is bloviating about how Boehner may lose the speakership after the Plan B meltdown. Here's hoping Republicans pick somebody profoundly loony to replace him. Louie Gohmert, say. Or Joe "I-apologize-to-BP" Barton.

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Dead man sobbing, quite possibly, but if Cantor replaces him the republican position will not be less hard-line. Meanwhile, away from DC, Dok is probably conjuring up an evil pony, Eric Canter.

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I really miss the southern drawl of Shelby Foote, author of the trilogy on the Civil War and featured in Ken Burns' documentary. But his statement in that film that we as Americans are talented at political compromise and that this talent failed during that period makes me think he was speaking of another America, one which I don't live in and am not familiar with.

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The stock market is currently reflecting investors' collective evaluation of Speaker Boehner's leadership: the Dow is down 119 points.

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You can't compromise on human slavery, or manger scenes on the city hall lawn. You either think this is Christian theocracy which countenances chattel slavery, or you don't.

Unfortunately the republitards and their Pope Grover the First have made tax increases a symbolic issue rather than a quantitative one. "Taxes <i>BAD!</i>" is not a philosphy; it barely rises to the bumper-sticker level of discourse. But they've bet the farm on it, and I hope they lose it all.

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<i>compromising is for losers</i>

GOPocalypse now!

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